Max Verstappen: Meeting his dad

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Requested by STOPITKOUHAI: Imagine meeting Jos, and him being really glad Max' girlfriend also happens to like racing, and them talking about a lot of things.

Today you were finally going to meet Max' dad. You were pretty nervous, even though Max told you not to worry for the nth time that day.

When Jos came into view, you thought you were going to faint from nerves. He stopped when he was standing in front of you and engulfed you in a tight hug. When he let you go, he shook your hand and introduced himself with a warm smile.

Suddenly,all your nerves were gone, he seemed like he was a very nice man.

"So, tell me how you met?" He asked. Max wrapped his arm around you and told him you had met while karting.

"So, do you like racing then?" He asked turning his attention towards you. "Yes sir, I do. Ever since I was little. I owe it to my dad, we always went karting together," you told him.

"Please just call me Jos. Sir makes me sound so old," he laughed "I'm glad you like racing, Because that is practically the only thing Max ever talks about. I hope you can cope with that, since it's his passion. I know from experience he can be quite annoying," He joked, making you laugh. Jos earned a glare from Max for saying that, but your boyfriend soon joined in laughing.

"I don't think we would have been together for so long if I couldn't handle him. Though, I must say you were quite right about him being annoying from time to time," you told him.

You talked about a lot of things that day: your study, job, family, the things you and Max would do together, racing, and so much more.

You felt like you got to know his dad really well in such a short period of time. By the time it was 9 o'clock, Jos excused himself. You didn't even notice it was already that late.

"Well then, (Y/N). It was so nice meeting you. I hope to see you around a lot more often. I can see that Max really likes you," Jos said, and wrapped you in a tight hug again.

"I hope to see you soon, too. I really enjoyed today!" You told him. He made his way over to his car and you watched with Max as he drove away.

"That wasn't so bad, right?" He asked after he had closed the door. "No, not at all! I love your dad," you said.

He shook his head, "More than me?" He joked. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't". You joked back, shrugging your shoulders as you walked to your shared bedroom.

"Well, aren't you coming to convince me who I should like better?" You said and let out a giggle as he practically raced up the stairs to mark you as his.

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