Sebastian Vettel: Cuddles in bed

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Requested by VettelFerrari: Imagine cuddling in bed with Seb after he has a rough day

This week's race had sucked for Ferrari. Seb had finished P10 and Kimi didn't do any better. The circuit just wasn't made for the Ferraris. After the race, Seb was feeling exhausted and really saddened about his position. The big boss had been pissed off with them. Let's just say that it had been no fun being in the garage after the race. Seb was glad he could finally go home to his girlfriend.

You always knew how to lighten up his day, so that's the only thing he was  looking forward to at this point. He could already hear the press mumbling about his 'bad' performance. It pissed him off beyond measure even thinking about it. He had always been concerned about what the press would say, but whenever he would finish in a worse position than they would have thought him to, they were like wolves. Constantly trying to find a way to make him seem like a failure.

Shaking the thoughts out of his mind, he tried to concentrate on the road. It didn't take him long before he finally pulled up into the driveway. He stepped out of his car and made his way inside your shared apartment. He groaned in frustration and went straight towards your bedroom. He let himself fall down onto the mattress and closed his eyes in defeat.

Meanwhile you had just gone out for a walk with your dog. You were sure Seb had to stay back at Ferrari talking for awhile. But when you returned home, you were met with the sight of his parked car. You were surprised he was home this early. You had watched the race on your television at home with some close friends and family members. You felt really sad for Seb, and also a little for Kimi.

You made your way inside and called out for Seb, but you heard no response. You made your way upstairs, after locking the door, and into your bedroom to see him laying sprawled out on the bed with his head buried in his pillow. It looked quite funny. Any other time you would have laughed at him, but today you pitied him. You made your way over to him and sat on his back, starting to massage his shoulders.

"Hey Seb," you said softly, kissing his shoulder. He groaned and mumbled something incoherent. "Rough day?" He nodded his head slowly and turned it so he could slightly see you. You lay down next to him and wrapped your arms around him.

"It sucked, but the boss sucked even more. He was really pissed," he said quietly, looking slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry Seb," you said and moved a mop of hair out of his face "I wish I could do something to help," you said, and started brainstorming for ideas.

"Honestly, you being here is  enough already. Will you just lay with me for awhile?" He asked.

"Of course, anything for you," you replied. You reached out for the bedsheet to cover the both of you. You turned your attention towards him again and ran a hand over his jaw, turning it towards you and kissing him softly.

"Thank you, for everything. You always know how to lighten up my day. I love you."

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