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WARNING: slight 18+ content

Word count: 933

Walking through the cold night air, you pulled your jacket closer to your body. Warily, you looked around if there was no one around. You had felt like you were being watched - or followed. Yet, as you scanned the streets, you saw no one other than a few cars passing by quickly. You had thought that it would be a good idea to walk home after a party all by yourself. Turns out it wasn't a great idea. You picked up your pace, wanting to get home safely. You were stopped dead in your tracks as you almost collided into someone.

"Well, well, well... would you look at this human girl," you heard a girl say as she waved at someone to come over. Unfortunately for you, it wasn't just one person that she had waved over, but a whole group.

"She looks like a delicious snack, don't you think?" The girl said as she snaked around you, showing off her fangs. Your eyes widened in shock. They couldn't possibly be vampires, right? They didn't exist... right?

"Oh yes," another one said, "her blood smells divine... I can hear her heart beating really fast. Are you afraid, little girl?"

"I'm actually really disgusting, really!" You tried to convince them, "like seriously! Even holy water won't save me anymore!"  The vamps shared a look as if to say 'what is wrong with this human?' - well, probably a lot. You tried to move away from them but you couldn't go anywhere. They had closed in on you. Looks like you were trapped.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, where do you think you are going? We're not done playing yet." Your eyes widened once again. Of all things you could have thought ot, this was definitely not how you'd imagined to die. You felt one of them grabbing you so that you couldn't run away from them. You tried kicking out of their grip, but you weren't strong enough.

"Oh, don't be afraid sweetheart, I promise it won't hurt..." she trailed off, "much," she finished her sentence with a devilish grin as she took a hold of your wrist and slowly dragged it towards her lips, showing off her fangs. You closed your eyes in fear, ready to be drained off blood when you were suddenly pressed into a muscular chest. You opened your eyes and gasped as you looked at the handsome young man who had saved you and was now holding you into his arms.

"What did I tell you," he hissed at the clan, "didn't I command you all not to touch human beings?" His voice made you go weak in the knees. His voice screamed sex. He looked at them dissaprovingly and showed off his very own fangs at them, "get lost."

Within the blink of an eye, all of them had disappeared, causing you to be alone with the handsome man who had saved your life. Or hadn't he? Maybe he didn't want to share you with them. "I'm not going to hurt you," he suddenly spoke up, as if he could read your thoughts.

"Are you a vampire?" Was the only answer you could give. He chuckled and smirked at you, "yes, I am. Does it scare you, cariño?"

"Are you all that fast?" You asked, referring to the other vamps who you had seen speeding away, completely ignoring his question. "Yes, and we don't only run fast, baby girl," he winked at you, making you blush.

"Come, I'll walk you home," he insisted as he extended his hand for you to take. You took his hand in yours, without really thinking about the consequences too much. You gasped as you felt how cold his hand was. "You are freezing to death!"

He laughed at that and grinned down on you, "well technically, I already am dead," he said while shrugging his shoulders as if it was nothing.

"So, who are you anyway? You seem to be quite powerful," you stated.

"I am Carlos. Carlos Sainz, and I am the leader of the vampires of Madrid."

"Alright. I am (y/n), nice to meet you," you said, smiling.

"You know, (y/n), it's not very smart to let a man you barely know - and one who happens to be a vampire - walk you home," he said as she shrugged off his jacket and placed it over your shoulders. He had noticed you were shivering a little. You smiled gratefully and grinned, "I like the danger," was your simple asnwer, which seemed to catch him off guard a little.

You suddenly came to a halt as you remembered that your home was actually right to your side. You turned around to face him and collided into his chest. You hadn't realized he stood this close to you. You blushed as you looked up into those warm brown eyes of his, finding it hard to believe that this man had probably been dead for centuries already. Finding your confidence, you placed a teasing kiss on his cheek, nearby his mouth, and looked up at him while smiling sweetly.

"Tell me, Carlos. Is every part of your body dead?" You asked and bit your lip, referring to his lower parts.

He groaned at your question, feeling his pants tighten at the sipmle question and the way you were staring at him while biting your lip. He quickly recovered and sent a smirk your way, making your knees go weak.

"Why don't you unlock the door and find out for yourself, baby girl? I have all night long to make you scream my name."

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