Daniel Ricciardo: Married at first sight

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Based on a TV show in the Netherlands, where two people see each other for the first time at their own wedding.

You had been excited for this day ever since you had signed up for this experiment. Now the day had finally come: the day you would meet your future husband. Who would have thought you'd meet your future husband this way? You were extremely nervous now that the moment was coming closer and closer. This had always been something for you, being the impulsive and adventurous one. Of course, you wondered what your future husband would look like. You would be lying if you said you weren't curious. You had no idea what to expect, but you hoped that this experiment would lead to something good.

Your best friend was busy doing your make-up when your mom walked in. She gasped as she saw you, "oh honey, you look beautiful!" she said, starting to tear up. You smiled and told her to stop, saying it would make you cry too, and you didn't want to ruin the make-up.

"Are you excited, honey?" she asked as she took your hands in hers. You nodded your head and smiled. "Remember what I have told you, okay? Don't get your hopes up. Maybe you're going to marry Channing Tatum, maybe you're going to marry Shrek. It's what's on the inside that counts."

"Okay mom, I get it," you said, shaking your head at her weird comment about Shrek. Who doesn't love Shrek? Anyways, what she said was right. Even though I didn't really have any expectations, I still fantasized about the appearance of my future husband.

"It's almost time now, honey. I'll have to go back to the others, don't want to be late! I really hope it's a nice guy and that you will enjoy yourself," she said and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You smiled and thanked her. You were putting on your shoes when your dad walked in. "Ready for your big day princess?" he asked.

"Yes, almost. Can you put on my necklace for me, please?" you asked as you handed him the necklace that had been in your family for ages. Once you were completely done, you quickly looked at yourself through the mirror. You looked beautiful, you thought to yourself.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, any man would be lucky to have you. If not, he's blind and stupid," he said. Ever since you had woken up you couldn't seem to wipe the grin off of your face.

"Thanks dad. It means a lot. Let's go then, huh?" You said as you linked arms with him and made your way over to the door. The door where your husband-to-be was stood behind. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and looked at your father one more time before the doors opened and you saw your husband-to-be.

All nerves immediately vanished as you saw him, standing on the other side of the room. He was smiling widely, which made you do so as well. He was very good-looking. And oh god, his smile. His smile was possibly even prettier than the dress you were wearing. His eyes were twinkling and you didn't know if it was because of the light or if he was trying hard not to tear up. Soon you were standing in front of him. He extended his hand for you to take and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm Daniel Ricciardo and you are very beautiful," he said and looked you up and down.

"Thank you, I'm (y/n) (l/n)," you said, "and you are very handsome."

He smiled brightly and looked down at his feet for a moment. He was even more good looking up close. How is that even possible? You looked over to your mom and saw that she gave you a thumbs up. You smiled and turned your attention back to the handsome Australian before you when the preacher signalled the wedding was going to start.

You and Daniel both smiled throughout the whole wedding and when you both finally signed the paper that you were now officially husband and wife, you couldn't quite believe it. This had all happened so fast.

The both of you walked over to a private spot so that the both of you could catch up a bit.

"Are you glad it's over?" Daniel asked. You only noticed his thick Australian accent now. Guess you were just overwhelmed when you introduced yourselves.

"Well, I am glad we could have a moment away from everyone else, but I really enjoyed the ceremony, it was beautiful," you said, smiling at the thought of it.

"Just like you," he said, which made you blush under his intense stare, "I loved it too, and your parents seem like nice people."

"I can't wait to get to know you better, Ricciardo," you said with a genuine smile.

"And I you, mrs. Ricciardo," he said, making you blush once again. This man really knew how to make a girl fall head over heels with him.

"That still sounds so surreal," I laughed and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Better get used to it pretty lady, because you're going to be stuck with me for some time now."

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