Max Verstappen: Having a baby

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Requested by @Billiexlyon: Imagine you and Max having a baby together.

You had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy named (b/n). You and Max couldn't have been happier. He had his father's eyes and your charms. You just received the news that your baby was totally healthy, to your delight. Which meant you were allowed to take him home very soon.

Your phones were exploding with text messages and missed calls. Social Media was also exploding with news. Nobody but the two of you and the hospital knew it was a boy yet. So it would be a big surprise for everyone. The only ones who also knew about it were your parents and siblings. They were all ecstatic as well, and tried their best to make it to the hospital within an hour.

Currently, (b/n) was sleeping peacefully on Max' body. He was going to be a great dad, you could see that already. You couldn't wait to show your son off to everyone you knew. But first, you had to rest, you were more than tired after all that had happened today. You were trying to figure out whether you wanted another baby very soon or whether to never feel that pain ever again. You were so glad you could at least rest a little bit before everyone would come to see the baby.

When you woke up an hour later, you saw Max looking at you with a soft smile. You smiled back and closed your eyes in content. "He's been sleeping like an angel the whole afternoon," he said looking at the little man.

"Good. You must be tired. Get some rest. I'll hold (b/n)," you said, holding out your arms to take him over from Max. He kissed your forehead and then sat back in his chair, closing his eyes. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. It had been a long day for him as well after all. What you were really happy for, though, was that the baby hadn't come in the racing season. This way, you and Max had more time to spend together with your newest family member.

The next morning, you, Max and (b/n) were making your way out of the hospital and into your car, ready to go home. You and your baby boy were in the back while Max drove. The whole day had gone by really fast: people paying visits to see your boy, and them holding him. It was really nice seeing how many people cared for him already. But it was also really exhausting. It was already pretty late and you and Max decided to put the baby to bed together. The both of you kissed his forehead and wished him goodnight. When you closed the door, Max wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm the happiest man in the world right now."

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