Kimi Raikkonen [15]

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For Daniela_Alanwilder

15. "I fall for the worst ones."

Bwoah, just bwoah. That's all I'm saying.

Word count: 501

You and Kimi had been dating for a year now, and even though he could be quite a pain in the ass, you wouldn't want to be without him anymore. You were waiting for him to come out of qualifying. He had done really well. You were proud of him. His car was pulled back into the paddock and Kimi hopped out, immediately taking off his helmet. As soon as he spotted you, he walked over to you and handed you the helmet and his gloves. You put them to the side and tossed him a bottle of water, which he eagerly drank from.

"You did really well Kimi," you said as you smiled softly. "Bwoah," he mumbled and shrugged his shoulders, "not bad, I suppose."

"Don't bwoah me right now, you did well and I'm proud of you." You noticed the way his lips curled up into a very small smile, but it made you smile as well. You didn't see him smile a lot, so you were happy that he at least showed you his gorgeous smile.

When you got home, you were trying to figure out what to cook for dinner tonight. You really didn't know what to prepare, so you decided to walk into the living room and ask Kimi. "What would you like to eat for dinner, Kimi? I was thinking maybe spaghetti or pizza?"

"Bwoah," he replied, shrugging his shoulders once again. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes at the answer you had just received. "Kimi... do you even know how to answer someone properly?" you snapped at him.

"Bwoah," he said once again and sent you a sideways glance. "Okay, spaghetti it is," you said and walked into the kitchen again, starting to prepare your meal.

The next day, Kimi woke up and tried to snuggle into you, but soon realised you were not in bed anymore. Deciding he couldn't sleep anymore, he rolled out of bed and slowly put on some comfy pants and a hoody. Kimi walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. He leaned against the doorway and silently watched you hum along to the song that was playing while dancing to the rhythm. You tried to reach a high note but failed miserably and heard someone chuckle behind you. You giggled and walked over to him to peck him on the lips. "Good morning sleeping beauty," you said and walked back to the food you were preparing.

"Good morning. What's for breakfast?" Kimi asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Bwoah," you replied with his usual answer. He raised and eyebrow and crossed his arms.



Kimi looked at you for a few seconds and then burst out laughing, making you giggle along with him. He looked up at you and made his way over to where you were standing. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around your waist before nuzzling his head in your neck.

"God, I fall for the worst ones."

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