Mitch Evans (7 + 10)

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7. "Oh, hey, mistletoe!"

10. "I'll burn all your gifts if you keep throwing the mistletoe at us!"

For SevenColoredRainbow 🎅🏼

Word count: 890

Tag list: DannyRicc17 - I do not have a tag list for Mitch yet, but comment right here if you want to be added!

Spending time with all your friends was both a blessing and a curse. They were all like family to you, but sometimes they were just really intense. Especially Mitch was both a blessing and a curse. You'd had a crush on him ever since you started working on him, but you were terrified to tell him the truth. Why would he want to date you anyways?

Your friends thought it would be fun to hang mistletoes above all door openings, so this would definitely get interesting the next couple of days. Personally, you weren't such a fan of the things, but you decided to get along with them anyways.

Sean, Nyck and Tom were all present together with their girlfriends. That left you and Mitch as the only singles among your group of friends. They kept teasing you about how you both should get settled already. They had also tried to get Mitch and you together a couple of times already. Yet, it never seemed to work out. Mitch would end of chuckling at their childish behaviour and shake his head. You would end up getting your feelings hurt, not feeling good enough for him. You were sure he never meant it that way, but still it hurt.

"Hey (y/n), can you come over here for a minute?" you heard Sean shout from the kitchen. You walked towards him and accidentally ran into a solid chest. "Oh, I am so sorry," you squealed as your eyes met Mitch's.

"No problem, darling," he had a tendency of calling you a variety of pet names. You blushed and tucked a lost strand of hair behind your ear.

Sean cleared his throat to gain your attention and pointed up. You looked up and gasped softly as you remembered that Nyck had hung up a mistletoe.

"Well, we can't break a tradition," Mitch said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, dangerously close to your lips. You chuckled awkwardly and tried hard not to blush - but of course you failed to do that.

After this awkward encounter, the boys seemed to call you over for the most stupid and unnecessary things - and t would always result in getting stuck below a mistletoe with Mitch.

Once, you even stood in the middle of the room with Mick by your side and all of a sudden there was a mistletoe right above the two of you, You could have sworn it wasn't there before. That's when you started to get suspicious of your friends, and started to look at their every move.

When you told the girls about your encounters with Mitch, they'd shrug their shoulders and giggle. They knew how much you liked Mitch, but they also knew that you were a chicken and that you would never tell Mitch how you truly felt.

As you sat down at the kitchen table with Mitch beside you, you heard Sean clear his throat - again. You rolled your eyes and looked up to see that Nyck was literally holding a mistletoe above your head.

"This is getting out of control," you heard Mia, Sean's girlfriend, whisper under her breath.

"I swear that I'll burn all your gifts if you keep throwing the mistletoe at us!"  you exclaimed in frustration. You hated how they kept playing with your feelings. Mitch grabbed your hand under the table and squeezed it. You looked at him, motioning him to follow you somewhere private.

"I'm sorry about the guys. I didn't know you hated it that much. If I had known I would have told them to stop, darling," Mitch said as he stepped closer to you once you were somewhere private in the big house.

"I know, Mitch, and trust me when I say that I didn't hate being stuck under the mistletoe with you. It's just that I hate how they keep playing with my feelings."

"What do you mean, playing with your feelings?" You sighed as you knew you had to tell him the truth now, "I like you, Mitch. All of our friends have known for quite some time. I guess this was their way of trying to get us together, but I understand you have no interest in me whatsoever-" you rambled.

"-You don't know that, pumpkin."

"-but I figured that I should be honest with you now- wait... what did you just say?" you gasped.

"I like you too, (y/n)."

"Wha- you do? but - how? why? I didn't know that," you blabbered.

Mitch chuckled, "If I didn't want to kiss you, I wouldn't have done it in the first place. I really like you (y/n). I have for a while now."

You sighed happily and looked up, making your eyes widen. "Oh, hey, mistletoe!" you exclaimed.

"What a coincidence," Mitch smirked and took another step towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist to press you up against him.

"Is this the part where you kiss me until we can't breathe anymore and have to admit to our friends they were right all along?" you asked.

"This is not the part I will tell our friends they were right. They were just being a pain in the ass," Mitch chuckled.

"-But it is definitely the part where I kiss you," he said and with that he pressed his lips onto yours.

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