Antonio Giovinazzi: Grid girl

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WARNING: 18+ content and some swear words.

Requested by Lukeyyyxx

Word count: 1064

You had been modelling for quite a long time in your life already when you decided to stop doing photoshoots. Your parents and friends were shocked, asking what you were going to do now. Little did they know you were already accepted as a grid girl into Formula 1. When you told your mom and dad, they looked at each other and shook their heads. You asked what was wrong. They told you that these men were not to be trusted and that you shouldn't fall for them. You had just rolled your eyes at them and told them they'd have to get over it as you weren't planning on quitting the job anytime soon.

So here you were, at the Grand Prix of Bahrain. You were currently doing your job as a grid girl for Sebastian Vettel, so you were around the Ferrari paddock for some time as well. You were having a conversation with one of the mechanics when a boy made his way over to you. He looked you up and down before sending you a smirk. You blushed and avoided his stare, afraid your knees would become even weaker than they already were.

"I believe we haven't met yet," he said before extending a hand for you to shake, "Antonio Giovinazzi is my name." You looked up into his warm eyes and quickly snapped yourself out if it. You shook his hand and introduced yourself, telling him you were a grid girl.

He seemed to be pleasantly surprised, asking you if he'd see you around more often from now on. You nodded your head and told him you needed to get back to work.

"See you in Sochi then?" he called after you. You winked at him and turned around, walking away from him.


Two weeks later, you arrived in Sochi, Russia, for the next Grand Prix. You hadn't seen Antonio around yet, which actually surprised you considering the fact that he was so eager to see you again. You shrugged your shoulders and went back to work, thinking that your parents might have been right about not trusting the drivers. But you would be lying if you said you hadn't been thinking about seeing him again.

Seeing as it was only free practice, you didn't have to do a lot of things. Instead, you decided to wander around. Hearing men whistling at you every other minute made you roll your eyes and feel kind of sickened. But it was a part of your new job, so you had to put up with it,whether you liked it or not. While casually making your way to the Ferrari paddock, you were pulled inside a room, hand in front of your mouth to keep you from screaming.

"It's me (y/n), Antonio," he whispered, which made you stop struggling and trying to scream. He let go of you, making you turn around to push him away from you.

"What the hell, Antonio?! You scared me to death! Jesus Christ," You cursed at him, trying to catch your breath. He smirked at you and liked it when you were angry. You snorted at him and were ready to walk out of the room when he pinned you against the door. He placed his lips against your neck and held on to you tightly. Your eyes rolled back and you moaned out at the sensation.

"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop," he seductively whispered in your ear. Your breathing became heavier and you told him not to stop. He smirked at you and took of your dress, leaving you almost naked in front of him. You told him he was a little overdressed and took off his shirt and pants as well.

"You have no idea how much I've been thinking of you, getting me hard even when you were not around," Antonio said as he pulled his hand into your panties. You moaned and kissed him hard. He seemed to like it as he picked up the pace, hitting your sensitive spot just right. He placed a hand over your mouth and told you to be quiet, not wanting to be caught in the heat of the moment.

As soon as you grew silent, he removed his hands from your core and pulled down your panties before unclasping your bra and throwing it across the room. He quickly got rid of his boxers and told you to jump. As soon as you did, he took you into what seemed like a small bathroom, but you didn't have much time to think about your surroundings. As soon as he put you down, he pinned you against the wall once again, pushing himself completely into you. You gasped at the sensation of him being inside of you. He looked at you intently and stopped himself from being too rough with you. You told him to move faster, to which he happily complied. He started sucking on your neck, leaving bruises all over it, which you didn't mind at all.

"Be mine," he whispered as he looked at your face intently. Your breath hitched in your throat again as he pushed himself into you hard and deep. You rolled your head back in pleasure and moaned out, close to reaching your high. You couldn't think straight. You couldn't answer him. "Antonio," you moaned out and grabbed a hold of his hair, "I'm –" you tried to say he shushed you by placing his lips upon yours. "I know, me too, baby. Let go," he said as he thrusted into you a few more times when you reached your high, him following close after you. He pulled out of you and went into the bathroom to get a wash cloth for you so you could clean yourself up.

"You didn't answer my question, you know," he said, looking at you softly.

"Sorry, what was the question again?" you asked shyly.

"Seems like I really fucked the senses out of you, huh?" he smirked. You widened your eyes in shock at what he had just said, "I asked you to be mine," he finally said.

"You want me to be yours?" you asked confusedly. He nodded his head and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.

You smiled at him and nodded, "yes, I want to be with you."

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