Nico Rosberg: Sunsets & proposals

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Requested by VettelFerrari

You and Nico finally had some time for yourself after a very busy schedule for the both of you,which resulted in staying in bed for a long time. You just watched some movies and had a fancy dinner together in the evening. You two had a lot of fun spending time together. You had the perfect day with the perfect man.

You got home pretty early and took a bath together. After your little moment, you decided to sit outside on the balcony while Nico was fetching some snacks and drinks. Meanwhile, the sun was slowly beginning to set. This had always been your favorite part of the day. Ever since you were little you have been fascinated by the sky. And here you were, many years later, still watching the sunset like a child in a candyshop.

Nico came back outside just in time for the two of you to enjoy the mesmerizing sunset together. To say that the moment was beautiful, would be an understatement. You had never seen such a beautiful view in your whole life, apart from Nico of course.

"This is nice," you mumbled "I wish the sky looked like that all the time," The sky was coloured in pink with a light shade of purple. Nico made a noise of agreement and cuddled into you more. "It is pretty," he replied "but not as pretty as you."

You lifted your head to look at him, noticing he was already looking at you with an expression that you hadn't really seen on him before. "Always the flirt, aren't you," you said jokingly.

"Yes, but only with you," he said, moving closer to you. "You know, we could make it, like, totally official that I will only ever flirt with you from now on," he said trying to hint to something.

"And how are you planning on doing that?" You were really confused at this point and had no idea what his intentions were right now.

"Well," he started, standing up and gesturing you to do the same thing "by doing this, my love". He made a move to grab something from his pocket. You should have known by now what was about to happen, but still, you had no clue. He slowly got down onto one knee and pulled out a little black box. When he opened it, you saw the most beautiful ring you had ever seen in your life. You gasped and raised your hands up to cover your mouth.

"Marry me?" He asked, a hint of fear in his voice. You couldhear the fear of rejection while he popped the question.

"Nico, I...," tears were welling up in your eyes and you dropped onto your knees in front of him, engulfing him in a tight hug. "Of course I will marry you!" you choked out happily. He sighed out in relief.

"I thought you would never ask". You said looking at him. He took your hand in his and put the ring on your finger. It fit around it perfectly.

"I actually wanted to ask you in the restaurant, but I kind of might have forgotten to bring the ring with me," he said awkwardly, making you choke out a laugh in return.

"I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. You asked me in the best place I could imagine. My favourite time of the day with my favourite man in the world by my side. It was perfect," you said. He smiled happily and took you in his arms again.

"So, what do you want to do now, my future Mrs. Rosberg?" He asked with a smirk. You thought for awhile when an idea popped up.

"Oh god! I have to call my mother!" You said and sprinted inside to grab your phone, leaving Nico standing there shaking his head. You heard him mumble something about wanting to do something else before walking inside to grab your phone.

"Can I still change my mind about marrying you?" He asked jokingly from where he stood.

"Nope! You are stuck with me now".

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