Nico Hulkenberg: You caught my eye

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Requested by CrownOfThorns22

Word count: 1030

Nico was on one of his runs through his hometown once again. He liked running and he loved seeing the people he knew for some time, but he pitied the fact that he couldn't stay for a long time. He wouldn't change his life for the world, but he secretly did hope to meet a girl soon. He shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to concentrate on running.

He rounded the corner of a street he normally didn't pass and his eyes caught sight of a young, beautiful looking woman, trying to carry three bags at a time. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her for a few seconds – or minutes. It seemed like time stood still, but he quickly snapped out of it as he didn't want to look like a creep. He decided to make his way over to you and ask if he could help you by carrying something.

You spotted a man coming your way, making you stand still and putting the bags down for a bit. You looked him over and noticed that he was actually very handsome and totally your type. "Hello m'am, would you like some help with carrying those bags?" the man asked politely.

"M'am? Please call me (y/n)," you said with a smile on your face, "but I think I could use some help with this yes. If you don't mind?"

"Not at all. I'm Nico, nice to meet you," he said and picked the bags up from the floor, before asking where you were going. You explained to him you had your own store in town and that you were just doing some groceries, but that it turned out you needed a lot more than you had originally planned for.

You asked him what he did in life and he told you he was a professional driver. You were surprised and told him you found it amazing that he had chased his dream, just like you did by opening your own store. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of it. You unlocked the door and asked Nico inside, where he put the bags to the side. He scanned the place and smiled at you. "Thank you so much Nico. I hope I didn't ruin your plans today by you helping me out here," you said.

He shook his head and winked at you, making you blush, "would you like some coffee, now that you are here anyways?" you asked. He nodded his head and you gestured him to sit down in one of the chairs. He complied and stared at how you made the coffee. He really couldn't help himself. He found himself attracted to you, even when he had only known you for about thirty minutes. You shared the same passion for work and he loved seeing how happy it made you to talk about it.

He was snapped out of his thoughts once again by you placing a coffee cup in front of him and you taking place in the seat next to him. "This is some really good coffee. Thank you," he said with a smile, "how come I've never seen you around?"

"Maybe because you travel a lot?" you joked, to which he shook his head with a smile, "but seriously, I only moved here half a year ago. I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend and I got this amazing opportunity to start a new life in this town. So I took the chance and here I am. I've never been happier! I feel like I'm on top of the world and it feels amazing," you said all the while smiling. You noticed Nico staring at you with a smile on your face and you quickly looked away from him, trying to hide the blush forming on your cheek.

"You really are something, (y/n)," Nico said, "you are so passionate about what you do. I feel exactly the same in my job. When I'm racing, I feel like nothing can stop me – well only the car, if there's no power anymore," he said chuckling. I smiled too. I had only known him for a little less than an hour now and I already felt we had more in common than anyone else I'd ever talked to.

"Can I admit something?" Nico asked all of a sudden. You nodded your head at him to continue, while sipping on your coffee.

"When I saw you walking on the street with all those heavy bags, the first thing I noticed about you was that you still looked happy. Most people would be pissed off by having to carry so many stuff. But you, it seems like you always find a way to smile, even when times are hard," he said while his eyes bore into your eyes.

Your smile widened and you bit your lip, "that was literally the best thing anyone has ever said to me, Nico," you said and wrapped your arms around him, without even thinking about it. But he didn't seem to mind as he pulled you closer into his chest.

"You really are something, Nico," you said, mocking him. He chuckled and sighed happily.

"Where have you been all my life?" he asked, probably more to himself than to me, "I would like to see you again, (y/n)," he turned to me and I smiled at him.

"Well, I'm free for the rest of the week," I said with a smirk, thinking about seeing him a lot more often now.

"Perfect. So am I. I'll pick you up at seven tonight, yeah?" he asked as he stood up, ready to walk out.

"Okay! But wait, I don't even have your number," you said as you realised you should probably let him know if you couldn't make it for any reason.

"Oh, but you do," he smirked at you before walking out. You looked around the room to find a note on the table, next to his coffee cup, with his number and address written on it.

This week was going to be great, you just knew it.

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