Nico Rosberg: First date

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Requested by laylamiddelkoopp

You were a female driver, so it wasn't unusual for you to visit the track when the men were driving. You wanted to see the Formula 1 races as often as you could. Not only because you found it interesting, but also because of Nico Rosberg. You had taken a liking on him ever since you first met, and you had been rooting for him ever since. He was probably the only driver you actually liked. He was arrogant, and you knew that. But you liked it at the same time. Besides that, he was the only one nice enough to spend time with you, helping you out and giving you advice. You had gotten to know each other really well over time, and you had soon found out you had a lot in common.

One particular day, the two of you decided to go karting together. You took bets on who would win, but of course, the both of you thought that you were better than the other. Nico said, that if you'd win, he would take you out to dinner. You agreed to that. If he won, you had to do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day. Oh... well, it couldn't be that bad. You were sure you were going to win anyway. And so you did. Nico seemed to be quite impressed and told you he'd pick you up around 8.

You finished your hair and make-up and took one last look at yourself, you were quite satisfied with yourself. Seeing as you had no idea where he would take you, you had chosen a matte black jumpsuit. Not too chic, not too casual. Nico arrived just in time wearing a very nice suit. He looked really fine.

"You look absolutely stunning, (y/n)," he said, after which he led you to his car and opened the door for you. What a gentleman. You thanked him with a gentle smile. The ride didn't take too long. He pulled up on the driveway of a fancy looking restaurant. Again, he opened the door for you. Once the two of you made your way inside, you took place and ordered the food. Everything was really nice. You were dining at a perfect location with a perfect man. The food was exquisite. You truly had a lot of fun together during dinner. He really knew how to make you smile. He seemed to be having fun as well.

When you finished the food, he decided to take you home. When your home came into view, he stopped and turned to face you. You turned to face him as well.

"I had so much fun tonight. Thank you so much, Nico," you said genuinely. He just nodded and smiled.

"We should go karting more often," he joked.

"You could have just asked me out as well, you know? Unless you actually wanted to get beaten by a girl..." you teased him.

He chuckled and pushed you lightly. "Alright then, consider our next karting session a date. I won't go easy on you though. Just so you know," he said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, big guy."

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