Nico Hulkenberg: Neighbours

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Requested by ohhmyMeLia

Word count: 620

His p.o.v.

Nico rushed out of his car, glad his day full of interviews was over. He almost sprinted towards his apartment and searched his pockets for his keys. Nothing. He could've sworn he had taken his keys with him when he left. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, while leaning against his front door. He called the venue where the interviews had taken place and asked if they had found his keys. They had, but nobody was present anymore. Nico was told he could come and pick them up tomorrow. He shook his head and groaned at himself. Why did he always forget things like this? He tried to come up with an idea on what to do now. He could go to the nearest hotel, but he had already been there a few times before, when he had also forgotten his keys. He decided that it was too embarrassing to do that. He walked over to his car and was almost ready to step in when he thought of something better. His neighbour might be home. The neighbour he always found himself thinking about at the most random parts of the day. She was on his mind a lot. He decided to be bold for once and walked over to her apartment, before knocking on the door in the hope she was home.

Your P.O.V.

You were just putting your groceries away when you heard someone knocking on your door. You wondered who it would be as you walked over to the door. You opened it and saw no other than Nico, your handsome neighbour. You smiled at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Before you say anything, yes, I forgot my keys. Again," he admitted and chuckled. You shook your head and moved to the side to let him in. "So, you're here to ask me if you can stay over at my place for the night?"

"I was actually wondering if you have a spare key or something you can unlock the door with?" he asked, to which you shook your head, "but I was also going to ask that, yes."  You crossed your arms and smirked at him, "I guess so, if you're willing to take the couch."

"No problem," he smiled and scanned your house. It looked stylish and neat. It suited you. "Well, I'll fetch you some pillows and blankets. Make yourself comfortable, grab a beer from the fridge if you'd like."

When you came back with everything, you put them on the couch and found Nico looking at some pictures of you that were hanging on the wall. "That was me when I graduated," you said, seeing him looking at the picture.

"You were very beautiful back then," Nico said. Your mouth fell open at his confession and you blinked a few times. He looked at you apologetically, "not that you only looked beautiful back then! I mean - you're always beautiful."

His sweet words made you smile and blush a little, "you think so?" you asked, a little unsure of yourself.

"Of course, have you not seen yourself? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, (y/n)."  You shook your head and beamed at him while biting your lip, "are you flirting with me, Nico?"

"If I told you I was, what would you do?" he asked.

"I don't know. What would you like me to do?" I said as I moved closer to him. "Kiss me," he whispered loud enough for you to hear it. You smiled up at him shyly and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Finally. I thought you'd never ask," you said before pulling him in for a sweet and passionate kiss.

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