Max Verstappen: Meeting the parents

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Word count: 764

God, you were nervous. Max had decided to let you meet his parents. Only a month ago  you two decided to make your relationship official, and you couldn't have been happier. But now you were scared because you were nearly at the restuarant in which you would meet both his parents. Max saw your troubled face and thought you were going to faint.

"It will be fine (y/n), they will love you," Max said and placed a hand on your knee while driving with his other hand.

"You don't know that, Max. What if they don't?" You reasoned. Your nerves were eating you from the inside.

"They will."


"Shut up, (y/n)! If I say they will love you, you have to believe me. Now, try to think of something nice before you have a heart attack."

You wrapped your arms around your frame and pouted, but couldn't help smile a little.

"We're here."

"Well... okay... it was very nice knowing you."

"Jesus christ, since when did you become such a drama queen?" Max laughed out. You slapped him on his shoulder and sent him a stern look. In return, he sent you an I-am-so-done-with-you-look and made his way up to the porch of his father's house.


"So (y/n), why don't you tell us a little about yourself."

"There's really not much to know, sir."

"Sir? Please, it's Jos. And I think there must be at least something you would like to share."

"Well, I studied management. But I found out it's not really my thing so I became an architect."

"Ah, architect. Then you could help us out sometimes, I really don't know what to do with my living room. I've tried everything, but it still isn't what I exactly want," Max's mother jumped in.

"I'd love to help you out with that!" You exclaimed happily.

"What do you know of racing?" Jos asked, he still seemed a little stiff towards you.

"Oh, I used to kart with my father when I was younger. But other than that, I have to admit that I am not really into everything yet. But I could learn! Right?"

"That's it? You don't even feel passionate about racing?" Jos asked. He sounded so intimidating you shrinked back into your seat, smile falling off of your face.


"It is Max's job and you don't even know what exactly he is doing?"


"You should be ashamed of your-"

"Enough!" Max yelled.

It fell silent. You felt like crying in a corner, far away from everyone. Of course they didn't like you. You had known they wouldn't from the start.

"You should be ashamed of yourself." Max gritted his teeth at his dad, "I finally bring home the girl I love so she can meet you, and then you screw up everything. I should have known, you ruin everything."

Jos was trying to speak. You could see that, but no words came out because he was too angry. You could nearly see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Come on, love. We're leaving." Before you two walked out, his mother came running out.

"I am so sorry for your father, Max. Don't fret about it (y/n), he will come to like you. I think you best go home now, I'm sure he will make it up to you. Both of you."

She gave the both of you a hug and walked over to her own car, ready to leave as well.

Once you were seated in the car, and Max was driving, he turned a little to look at you and placed a hand on your tigh again.

"I'm so sorry, love."

"It's not your fault." You said softly, and tried to lighten the mood, "At least your mom likes me."

"He's a dick. I'm going to kick his ass next time I see him. He hurt you and I hate him for it."

Only when Max said this, you realised you were crying.

"He's your father Max. I'll be fine."

"I won't let him take you away from me (y/n), I love you. I don't care how he thinks of you, you are the love of my life, and one day I am going to marry you."

Tears welled up in your eyes again. This time they were happy tears. You didn't know his feelings for you were that strong, so it made you cry of happiness to hear him say these words to you.

"You won't lose me, never. I love you too much."

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