Max Verstappen [9]

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For Comparedtoyou

9. "I had a nightmare about you and wanted to make sure you were okay."

Word count: 883

You had just arrived at the Verstappen house for your weekly sleepover with your friend Victoria, who happened to be Max's sister. You never told Victoria about your feelings towards Max. She would probably let it slip out and everyone would know. That would be too embarrassing for a person to handle. Thinking back to the moment you met Max, you internally cringed.

"Max! Come over here for a second, I want you to meet my best friend!" You heard Vic say to her brother. Your eyes widened as you feared that you would make a complete fool out of yourself.
You watched as Max made his way over to you with that stupid, but sexy, boyish grin boys always have plastered onto their faces.

"Oh, hi. You must be (y/n). I have heard a lot about you," he said with a grin.
Your breath hitched in your throat as he was even hotter in real life than he was on tv. "O-oh," you said, internally facepalming yourself. "I-I'm," completely in love with you, "(y/n), yes. Nice to meet you."

He chuckled as he found your blushing form absolutely adorable and shook your hand. "I think we'll be seeing each other a lot more (y/n)," he said with a wink and walked off.

"Better keep your hands off her, Verstappen!" Vic yelled after him, making him look over his shoulder and chuckle once again.

You were literally knocked out of your day dream as you walked into someone and fell onto your butt.

"Hi there, clumsy," you heard Max snicker. He had been calling you this a lot lately, but you couldn't really disagree. You really were clumsy. "Nice to see you too, Max," you said as you took the hand that he extended and were lifted off the ground.

"You're sleeping over again?" He asked.

"You make it seem like it's a bad thing."

"Oh trust me, it's never a bad thing to see you in my house, (y/n)," he shamelessly flirted with you until he was interrupted by Victoria, who cleared her throat and raised an eyebrow. "Right," Max said as he got a hold of himself and walked off, leaving the two of you standing there.

"Netflix?" Victoria asked.

"Is that even a question?"


You woke up breathing heavily. It was only just a dream, you thought to yourself. You looked around the room to find Victoria sleeping on top of her laptop. Any other time you would be laughing, but now was not the time for that. You had had a nightmare about Max. You sighed and stood up to go to the bathroom. Once there, you put some water on your face to help you cool down, but still your worries had not completely vanished just yet. Walking past Max's room, you hesitated whether to go inside or get back to bed. You didn't have the balls to walk inside his room so you decided to just go back to bed and try to sleep again, seeing as it was the middle of the night.

After a good half an hour of tossing and turning in your bed, you sighed heavily and shut your eyes tightly. There was no way you would be able to fall asleep again, not knowing if Max was safe or not. You made your way over to Max's room and with shaking hands you opened the door.

Max lay in his bed peacefully, making you sigh in relief. You decided that now you knew he was alright, you would leave. You were ready to walk out of the door as you heard him softly and sleepily call your name. You turned around and made your way over to him as he motioned for you to sit on his bed.

"What are you doing here (y/n)? It's the middle of the night," he whispered as he sat up in his bed and leaned against the headboard.

"It's stupid. Just go back to sleep, Max," you whispered back. Max knew something was wrong by the way your shoulders were hunched and by the way you were shaking a little.

Max now sat up straight and placed a comforting hand on your lower back, making you look up into those gorgeous ocean blue eyes you had fallen in love with. He smiled at you and tucked a strand of hair out of your face, hand lingering on your cheek for a few seconds. "It's not stupid if it bothers you this much, (y/n)," Max said and encouraged you to talk to him.

"Alright then," you said as you took a deep breath, "I had a nightmare about you and wanted to make sure you were okay."

Max let those words sink in for a moment and then motioned for you to get under the covers with him, which you did after some hesitation. He softly stroked your hair and pressed a kiss to your temple. "I'm okay, sweetheart, it was all just a stupid dream."

You hummed in response, feeling your eyes close at the warmth of his body pressed against yours and the way he was holding you. You could have sworn that you heard him say "I love you" right before you drifted off to sleep.

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