Sebastian Vettel: Bookworm

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It was no secret that you loved reading. You could easily finish a whole book in one day, so there weren't many books you didn't know about. Your love for reading started ever since you were a little girl and your mom taught you how to read. Ever since, your passion for reading had only grown stronger.

Your boyfriend of half a year, Sebastian, knew how much reading meant to you. He loved seeing how you could be so passionate about something so simple. He loved seeing what it did to you and how your eyes lit up when you had just read a good book. He also loved how you felt so compassionate about characters and how you would feel sad for them when something bad happened – or died.

Because of you, Sebastian had also started to take a liking to reading. He never cared about it much before he started dating you. But now, he knew how to tell apart good books from bad books. Just like you taught him to always read the book before watching the movie, as well.

Time spent with you was relaxing and simple. You would just sit next to each other reading your favourite books, and it wasn't boring at all. Sometimes you wondered if he found you a nerd for reading so much, but he always reassured you that he loved the way you are.

One day, when you were just casually reading the newspaper that had just arrived, Sebastian snapped you out of your thoughts. He had this goofy smirk plastered on his face, which made you raise an eyebrow at him. He shrugged it off and made some coffee for the two of you.

"What's going on, Seb?" you asked. This was a little suspicious.

"I have a surprise for you, liebe," he said and sent a grin your way. You blushed under his stare and started to wonder what kind of surprise it was he had to act so suspicious about.

"You'll love it," he reassured you, "stop worrying." And so you did. You were still a little nervous when Sebastian drove you over to your surprise, but you had stopped worrying as soon as he told you to. If only he knew what kind of effect he had on you.

When you were with him, everything just felt so easy and natural. Sometimes it felt like he came right out of a book, being the charmer he was.

"We're here," Sebastian said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You saw that his car was parked in front of your favourite local library. You frowned and looked over at him, wondering what kind of surprise this would be.

Sebastian just smirked and climbed out of the car, making you do the same. Once he made sure the doors were locked he walked over to you and grabbed your hands in his, "ready for your surprise, liebe?"  You eagerly nodded your head and the two of you walked into the library. Sebastian made his way over to the librarian and they talked about something you couldn't quite understand as you were already walking through the library in search for a new book to read.

"Thank you, Mr. Vettel. I'll leave you two to it then. Enjoy yourselves," the librarian, which you now recognised as the nice man who always suggested good books to you, said. You smiled and waved at him before he disappeared, leaving you alone in the big library with Sebastian.

"Seb? What's this all about?" you asked, unsure of what to expect.

"This is your surprise, liebe. I hired out the library for you, because I know how much you love to read and how stressed you've been lately. I just wanted you to be able to relax a little, and what's better than reading in your favourite place, right?" he said, smiling sweetly at you.

This was literally the sweetest thing anyone had ever done in your life. You shook your head and smiled widely at him, "you didn't have to do this Seb, this really means a lot to me. Thank you so much, mein schatz {my love}," you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed a tender kiss on his lips. Sebastian smiled at the nickname you gave him, he loved hearing you speak German to him.

"So, how long do we have this place for ourselves?" you asked as you already made your way over to your favourite genre of books.

"We have all day long for you to read and relax, doll," he said. Your jaw dropped and you jumped up and down because you were so happy to hear this.

"You are literally the best, Seb. I love you so much," I said as I dragged him towards my favourite reading spot in the library.

"More than reading?" he asked playfully. You acted like you had to think about that for some time and grinned at him.

"Definitely more than reading," you answered, "but you really need to shut up now, I'm trying to read."

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