Max Verstappen: Holidays pt. 1

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Requested laylamiddelkoopp

Word count: 1320

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of sexual abuse.

After a whole year of working, it was finally time for you to relax. You had planned a holiday to Ibiza and were currently waiting for your flight. You were going to Ibiza with a few of your high school friends and were really looking forward to doing nothing all day long. Your friends, though, liked to do lots of activities on their holidays, so you guess you had to go with them sometimes. You wanted to explore Ibiza anyway.

You arrived at your apartment and made your way inside to check it out. It was very modern and neat. To your liking, the apartment was very spacious. Your friends had planned to go jetskiing today. You weren't really fond of watersports, but you didn't want to ruin the fun on the first day, so you agreed to go with them. When you arrived at the destination, your friends practically dragged you over.

"It'll be fun," they said. You weren't so sure about that when looking at the sea. The waves were larger than you'd ever seen before, and it kind of scared you. They probably weren't all that big, though, seeing as your friends called them 'baby waves'. What's that even supposed to mean? To you, they were big. But still, you changed into the clothes you were given and made your way over to your friends and the instructors. They were all very kind, which helped a little. Your friends knew how everything worked already and practically sprinted over to the jetskis, all the while you stood there with the instructor.

"So you have never done this before, señorita?" He asked. "Nope." You replied. He lead you over to a jetski and helped you on it. He sat behind you and instructed you how to use it. Meanwhile he was getting a little bit too touchy for your liking. He had one of his hands wrapped around your waist and one was located very near to your butt.

"I understand everything now! I think I'm ready to go," you said. Honestly, you still had no idea how to use it, you just wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.

"I need you to come inside with me before you go out there señorita, there't still a few things to be... done," He said, and you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Your heart started to pound faster as he climbed off the jetski and pulled you after him. "No, no, no! I'm good. I think I should just go home, this isn't my thing anyways!" I said, trying to find options to get out of his grip. You were nearing the building and you were really scared of what he was planning on doing. You didn't trust him at all. The way he was touching you and talking to you made you want to puke.

"Please sir, let go off me, I can walk on my own," You tried to say politely. No success. He just shook his head and smirked again.

"Let go off me!" You shouted, now panicking.

"Listen up bitch, stop screaming. Your friends are too far gone to hear your pathetic screams, alright? Now shut up and get your ass inside," he hissed into your ear. His grip on your arm was too tight, and you couldn't find a way to free yourself. You were just about to cry when you heard someone coughing behind you.

The instructor stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. Behind you stood a group of boys. "Let her go," one of them said threateningly. The man lost his deadly grip on your arm, but he was still holding you in place.

"I said," the boy said again, gritting his teeth "Let. Her. Go." And took a few steps towards the man. He seemed to be afraid now.

"Or what?" The man spit back. The boy - whom you now recognised as Daniel Ricciardo - raised his eyebrow and chuckled. "I could have you fired within the blink of an eye," he said looking rather smug. "I'm quite well known," He added.

The instructor released his grip on you and pushed you to the side. Another boy walked towards you and softly pulled you away from the man. You recognised him as Max Verstappen. "Are you okay?" He asked, taking a hold of your shoulders. You nodded your head slightly.

"You are safe now. Did he do anything to you? Did he touch you?" He asked concerned. You shook your head. "You were just in time," you whispered.

You were overwhelmed by everything. But mostly by your feelings, and the fact that your crush and his friends had saved you from god knows what the man would have done to you. You didn't notice you were crying until Max wrapped his arms around you and you sobbed into his chest. He just held you, and that's all that you needed. When you calmed down again, he took a step back and studied your face, while wiping away your tears with his thumb.

The man had - apparently - fled already. Daniel and some other guys you didn't recognise made their way over and comforted you. Since Daniel had pretty much saved you, you pulled him in for a hug and whispered a thank you in his ear.

"Are you all alone?" Max asked. "No. My friends are somewhere on the water," you said. You felt a lot more at ease already. Max nodded and looked towards the sea. They were nowhere to be seen. You started to get anxious about them leaving you all alone and the man coming back to you again. As if reading your thoughts, Max said they wouldn't leave you alone. Not until your friends would come back. They were all really kind and did everything they could to make you feel comfortable again, and forget about what happened earlier. You had a really good time and almost forgot about your friends as well, until one of them came into sight and waved at you enthusiastically. They all came walking towards you and began snickering seeing you surrounded by boys. You rolled your eyes and hoped the boys wouldn't notice.

"Hey there! Gave up already?" One of them said. "Oh man. Best day ever. You should have seen the stunts we did. Amazing! Anyways, we're going back home. See you later!" They said before walking away, leaving you behind.

"I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but they look like pretty bad friends to me. Correct me if I'm wrong," Daniel said looking a little guilty for actually saying it. You shook your head.

"Honestly, you're right. I thought we'd become closer again if we went on a vacation together. But I guess the opposite is happening. We are completely different. I just hoped to save our friendship, but I guess it was a lost case anyways," You said, sighinh loudly, "honestly, I don't know if I still want to stay here at all. I don't feel like going back to them. They didn't even ask me how my day was. I feel like even we have a stronger bond. And I've known your for like an hour," you exclaimed.

Max sent a smile your way. "Well, you could always stay with us, but we completely understand if you don't want to after all that happened today. I mean, like I've heard, you worked your ass off. So it would be a pity if you let them screw over your holiday," Max said.

You thought about his offer. You knew he was right, but you were scared you'd be left alone again. "Thanks for the offer guys. I'll think about it. You really wouldn't mind?" You asked unsurely. They all shook their heads and gave you warm smiles.

"You know what? I'd rather stay with you guys than with them or going home," you decided. They seemed to be pleased with your answer and you all began chatting happily again. Maybe this was going to be a great vacation, after all.

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