Stoffel Vandoorne [47]

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Dedicated to all my Stoffel girls out here ♥

47. "I love you and I'm terrified."

Word count: 627

Stoffel always seemed to be very confident with you. He had an answer ready anytime you asked something and he didn't hesitate to flirt with you. To him, it was no problem at all that you worked for the team and for him. He was head over heels in love with you and he felt like the whole world should know how Lucky he was to have found of love like yours.

So naturally, when you heard you wouldn't get a new contract at McLaren, Stoffel's world fell apart. How could they not want you to be in the team anymore? He was so pissed, but he knew that making a big deal out of it would not get him very far.

Stoffel hated seeing you like this, sad because your dream job was taken away from you. You had told everyone that you were fine and that you were getting over it, but that wasn't exactly the truth. It hurt like hell. It felt like a part of you was ripped away. Stoffel felt the same way. Races didn't feel the same without you there. It was boring and dull. Everyone kept telling him that he should just get over you, that it was for the best, but he simply couldn't. You were a part of his life now, and he was more than ready to fight for it.

Stoffel had invited you to fly over to watch the race from the paddock. You weren't sure if you could handle all the pitiful stares from your former colleagues, but you decided to come anyway - for him. He was over the moon that you'd be there. You hadn't properly seen each other for weeks. He missed having you around, and you felt exactly the same.

The two of you had dinner after the race. It felt like you hadn't been apart for that long. Everything felt so natural with him. "How are we going to keep doing this?" you asked insecurely, looking at your hands that were placed on the table.

Stoffel grabbed your hands in his, squeezing them lightly, "I don't know, but I promise you that I...that we will find a way to make it work out."

"But, Stoffel... how long are we going to bear being so far apart? I love you, but we have to stay realistic," you trailed off, feeling your eyes start to water.

"Love, I can't imagine a life without you anymore. I love you and I'm terrified of losing you," Stoffel said truthfully. "If we want to make this work, we'll have to fight for it," he added, making you nod and smile at him.

"By the way, (y/n) {this actually rhymes with my name lol}, I put in a good word for you at Toro Rosso and they said they were very interested. I planned a job interview for you tomorrow at 9," Stoffel smirked, seeing your mouth falling open. You shook your head, smiling widely.

"You are the best," you said as you leaned over the table to press a tender kiss on his lips. "if this works out it means I'll get to travel with you again," you grinned, to which he nodded and chuckled.

"They will hire you, I'm sure of it. My boss put in a good word for you too because he still feels sorry for having to let you go. I'd say the chances are very big you and I will be together again very soon."

"I like the sound of that, what can I possibly do to thank you for being such a lovely boyfriend?" you smirked at him, acting like you were thinking of how to thank him.

"You can thank me later tonight in the bedroom, baby doll."

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