Nico Hülkenberg [95]

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For sariitiisima

95. "Look at me - just breathe, okay?"

Word count: 619

Nico had asked you to assist him to a team party and you had said yes. You didn't think he liked you as more than just friends, but you weren't about to refuse a good party. The problem was that you were hopelessly in love with him and he didn't know that.

"I'm so glad you came along, I don't think I could have handled these guys for much longer if you hadn't been there," Nico said, referring to the other drivers. You chuckled and shook your head.

"You know I love parties," you shrugged your shoulders before adding: "and alcohol."

"And you also love me of course," Nico smirked as he wrapped an arm around your neck while strolling towards an elevator. You needed to get out of here before you got too drunk and did things you would regret.

"Guys! Come on, you can't just leave already. Have some fun in your lives for once," a drunk Fernando stopped you from stepping inside the elevator. You and Nico shared a look. "Please love birds, s-stay a little longer," Fernando hiccupped, making you giggle.

"I guess one more drink won't hurt," you said, not even believing yourself, but oh, well. You were having fun and you were sure nothing would happen anyway.

"Hey, Rosberg!" You heard a voice exclaim. It was Lewis and he was very drunk.

"Mate, I'm not Rosberg, I'm way better," Nico laughed and shook his head.

"Oh, well... hi Way Better! I'm Lewis," he said as he extended his hand for Nico. You laughed so hard at that moment you almost peed your pants. Lewis looked at you like you were crazy and just ignored you.

"Lew, you should probably go home. You're drunk," you said as you were done laughing.

"I'm not drunk. I'm Lewis," he stated, giving you a disapproving look. You sighed and rolled your eyes, telling him you were calling a cab to take him home.


You woke up groaning. You definitely had a hangover. You sighed deeply and rolled over, coming eye to eye with your friend - and crush - Nico. You shrieked as you didn't expect to find him here. Or well... you didn't expect to find yourself here. You realised that this wasn't your bed.

You also found out that you were naked and started to breathe heavily as you had no idea what happened last night. This couldn't be, right? You noticed that Nico was starting to wake up. He looked at you and raised an eyebrow, not quite sure what you were doing here - in his bed.

"Did we have sex?" you asked immediately, feeling yourself start to panic as this probably didn't even mean anything to him.

"(y/n), hey, look at me," Nico said as he noticed the way you were breathing heavily and looking at everything but him.

"Look at me - just breathe, okay?" he said as he took your hands in his and helped you steady your breathing. You nodded at him, silently thanking him for calming you down.

"To answer your question: I honestly don't know. I only remember Lewis and Nando being very funny while drunk."

"Oh," you said, slightly disappointed that he didn't know. You would be very sad if you had actually had sex with Nico and didn't even remember anything. Nico seemed to catch up on this and smirked at you, positioning himself so that he was hovering over you.

"But if we did do it and can't remember anything, we could always do it again... and again, and again?" Nico asked hopefully while his hands slowly crept it's way down your body.

"I like your way of thinking Mr. Hülkenberg," you smirked.

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