Daniel Ricciardo: Date night

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jordiefinn123 requested something fluffy, so here you go!

You and Daniel had met on the grand prix in Barcelona a few weeks ago. You were in Spain, being a member of Red Bull Racing. You were assigned to be Daniel's manager, seeing as his previous one had suddenly quit the job.

So far, everything had went surprisingly well as you and Daniel instantly liked each other. He was an easy person to be around, which made your job a lot easier. You felt really comfortable around him and you found yourself loving his presence so much - maybe even too much. So when Daniel came up to you asking you to join him for dinner that night, you couldn't have been happier.

You knew it was risky, seeing as you worked for him and the team, but you could not care any less at that moment. After all, you were in love with him anyways. He didn't seem to be very bothered by the fact that you were his manager though. By the time of 7 o'clock you were ready, even though he had told you hewould pick you up at around 8. You were so excited you could barely wait until then.

He arrived exactly on time. He looked amazing. He was wearing a white button up shirt with a black bow tie. You had to admit that, even though he looked really fancy right now, you also really loved seeing him in his racing attire.

"Hi, love! You look absolutely beautiful," he said, sending you a big smile. "Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself," you said and locked the door of your apartment behind you.

The two of you made your way over to his way too expensive car. He held open the car door for you and then walked over to sit down in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" You asked, to which he replied that it would be a surprise. When you arrived at the destination, you still had no clue where you were. When you got out of the car you, made your way over to a fancy looking building. When inside you realised that you were at a fancy restaurant. A waiter brought you to your table and brought you some expensive champaign.

"You didn't have to take me here. I would have been happy with McDonald's too, you know," you joked, making him laugh.

"I know, darling, but you deserve a lot more than McDonald's," he replied. That's when the waiter returned and took your order after bringing you another glass of champaign. The two of you made some small talk while waiting for the food to arrive. When the food finally came, you realised this was the best food you had ever tasted.

Daniel had brought you home after dinner. The two of you were standing outside on the porch of your house. It was still pretty early, so you were really hoping that he would not leave anytime soon yet.

"Do you want to come inside? Talk a little bit more?" You asked, hoping he would say yes. To your delight, he did. So you made your way inside together, settling down on the couch after deciding to watch some movies together.

"I really, really had a lot of fun tonight, Dan," you said honestly.

"No need to thank me, (y/n). And besides, the night is not over yet". He said and put his arm around you. You cuddled into him as the movie continued.

"Can I ask you a question? Why did you agree to come on a date with me?" He asked. You blinked in confusion and sat up facing him. "Why do you think?"

"I honestly don't know. That's why I'm asking," He said, sounding quite insecure.

"Well... I really like you. That's why," You said, trying to sound calm. On the inside, you were a trembling mess. It didn't show, which you were very happy about.

"So...you like me?" He said more to himself than to you. "But I am barely ever home, love. You deserve someone better than me," he said, sounding genuinly sad about having a demanding career.

"Daniel. I think you just forgot about the fact that I am your manager. I am wherever you are. If you want me to, that is." He looked up at you, looking a lot more comfortable. "Oh, yeah... You are right. I was overreacting. I'm sorry."

"Well, since you asked me a question, I'm going to ask you one as well," you started "why did you ask me out?"

He smiled and took your hands in his. "What do you think?" He mimicked you. "I don't know. That's why I asked".

He raised your hands up to his mouth and kissed the finger tips. It made you blush. "Because I really like you too."

You smiled and looked at your intertwined hands. "We'll make things work out, babe, I promise," he said with a soft smile plastered on his face, and then leaned in to kiss you softly.

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