Max Verstappen [12]

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12. "I don't know whether to smack you or kiss you."

Word count: 609

My Christmas gift to Elineverstappen 🎅🏼🎄


Max had thought it would be a nice idea to surprise with baked cookies when you'd come home from work. In practice it did sound like a good idea. But Max could only cook an egg without burning it, so, of course, baking the cookies went terribly wrong.

You came home to loud cursing, which made you raise an eyebrow. Soon, though, you smelled the smell of burnt food and rolled your eyes. You swore that if he made you clean this up, he would die tonight.

"What the fuck happened here?" You almost yelled when you walked into the kitchen and saw the mess Max had made. There was flour everywhere. And let's not even mention the black, burnt cookies, which Max was throwing into the trash bin as you came in.

"Hell to you too," Max said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. You in turn, sent him a glare and gestured towards the mess questioningly.

"I tried to make cookies," Max chuckled. It was obvious he was embarrassed.

"With the emphasis on tried, yes," you answered.

"You've been working so hard and yet, you always make sure you prepare us a nice meal. I wanted to return the favour, surprise you with your favourite cookies, but then this happened."

"Right," you nodded, trying to process he wanted to bake cookies for you, because you had such a sweet boyfriend.

"I still don't know what went wrong."

"Well, knowing your baking experience, probably everything went wrong," you sassed, but as soon as you saw him pouting, you sighed.

"Look, Max, I really don't know whether to smack you or kiss you," you sighed, putting a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"What," he gaped, "why would you want to smack me?"

"Look at the mess you made! If you think that I am going to clean this up, you are awfully wrong. There is flour literally everywhere. And let's not even talk about the horrible smell of burnt cookies in here," you threw your hands up in the air.

"I was trying to clean everything up before you came home, but no, miss (y/n) decided to come home 30 minutes early."

"It's not my fault my boss let me leave early because there was nothing left to do."

"Okay," he paused, "and why did you want to kiss me, babe?" He smirked.

You rolled your eyes and twirled a strand of hair around your finger, "because I think it's incredibly sweet that you tried to bake me something - even though you did not succeed. Quite a pity because I am quite hungry."

"So how about you kiss me anyway, and forget about smacking me?" He said slyly as he walked towards you.

"Hard not to smack you, I'm afraid."

"Even harder not to kiss me," he challenged.

"I suppose you are right," you said slyly and walked towards the kitchen aisle he was standing behind. Max smirked and leaned in to place his lips upon yours, but you had other plans. You quickly grabbed a bit of flour from the kitchen aisle and - softly but firmly - smacked it on his face.

"There is your smack, Mr Verstappen," you smirked at seeing his reaction. Max pouted but laughed nonetheless.

"Ouch," he said, "there goes my ego."

You grabbed his face in between your hands and leaned up in order to press your lips against his.

"...and that was your kiss, just because you're cute."

"Hmm..." Max hummed dreamily, "can I have more of those?"

"Oh, but of course," you winked, then walked away, " as soon as you're done cleaning up that mess!"

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