Max Verstappen: Disaster date

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This is the second part for the imagine called 'Crashing into you' which was published some time ago, as Requested by laylamiddelkoopp

Word count: 785

Max had qualified third and you were more than happy about it. He did a very great job qualifying. You couldn't wait until he showed up for your date after the session, which is what you had been dreaming about ever since he had told you to meet him at the taco stand. You had waited for what felt like an hour while eating a taco. It was a good idea of him to wait at the taco stand. You wondered what the date would be like. You couldn't really think of anything special, so you decided to just wait and see. You were sure you were going to have fun with him anyway. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy when you'd met him and you hoped you'd see more of that today.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a hand putting a bouquet of flowers in your face. You immediately felt your nose tingle and sneezed a few times before looking up to see Max standing in front of you. "Thanks  for bringing me flowers, Max, but I'm actually really allergic to them," you said before sneezing a couple of times again. He looked at you apologetically and gave the flowers to a random old lady walking past. Sweet.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know that," he said and looked sad for a moment. "Max, you couldn't have known, don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy our time together," you reassured him and sent him a smile. He seemed to loosen up a little and smiled before taking you to an expensive looking restaurant which was located close to the pit lane. It was probably a restaurant for team members and people having VIP access.

You gasped at what you saw and shook your head at Max, "this looks way too expensive for me, Verstappen," you said, not wanting to be a burden. He merely shook his head and motioned for you to follow him to a table he had apparently reserved. A waiter came over and asked if you would like to drink some wine, to which Max replied with "please bring us the best wine you have."

When the waiter came back with the wine, he poured some into your glass. Another waiter came by and accidentally pushed into your waiter, resulting in him throwing the glass of wine all over your outfit. Max's mouth fell open and before he could say anything, you quickly excused yourself to go to the restroom. You looked at yourself through the mirror and saw that the damage wasn't too bad, seeing as it was, thank god, white wine. But still, you were sure everyone would stare at you when you walked out. You sighed in annoyance. This wasn't how you had thought the date would be going at all, but you tried to stay positive as you walked back to the table again. After a thousand apologies of the waiter (and you assuring him not to worry too much), the food finally arrived. Max seemed to be a little down about the date and you tried to tell him not to worry about it.

When you were finished eating, the two of you walked out of the restaurant. Y suddenly lost your balance as you slipped over something and fell right into Max. he didn't see this coming so you both fell to the ground - you on top of him. Max sighed heavily and was ready to apologise for everything that had happened today when you started laughing. He just looked at you incredulously, finding it hard to believe that you could still laugh after this dramatic date. He soon joined in, though. He loved hearing you laugh and was glad that you seemed to be okay.

"(y/n)-," Max began, but you cut him off by placing your lips upon his. The kiss was sweet and short, but it meant everything to you.

"I hope you're not disappointed after today," Max said with a big grin on his face as soon as you had to stop the kiss to catch your breath. The both of you were still sitting on the floor after the fall.

"Are you kidding? I loved it, even after these stupid things happened. I guess that's just my life," you joked and placed your hands around his neck.

"I know literally no one else who would still like me after such a disaster date," Max said.

"Good, because I'm totally in for some more of these," you said before cutting him off again by placing your lips on his.

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