Lewis Hamilton [ 25 ]

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25. "I told you not to fall in love with me."

Word count: 521

Lewis and you were what you would call friends with benefits. You had promised each other not to fall in love or even get slight feelings for each other. Well,that was easier said than done. Promises are meant to be broken anyway, right? You were head over heels with Lewis. You knew it was wrong. So, so wrong. But every time you saw him, you convinced yourself you didn't feel anything for him at all.

For two months, you had been able to live with these feelings, but you couldn't anymore. You needed to get this off your chest. Lewis deserved to know. You had texted Lewis with the question whether you could come over to his place to talk, to which he immediately responded that you could.

Half an hour later you were sitting on his sofa in the living room, a glass of water in your hand. "You wanted to talk?" Lewis asked somewhat nervously.

"Yes, I need to get something off my chest," you said, which made him frown but nod. "Look... I know we told each other not to start feeling things for each other, and trust me, I've tried not to. I've tried so hard to get you off my mind, but I can't, Lewis."

"What are you saying?" he said. He visibly paled.

"I'm saying, Lewis, that I am in love with you." He took this news in and just stared out of the window for a few minutes, which felt like ages. He shook his head and scratched the back of his neck.

"I told you not to fall in love with me."

Your mouth dropped and you fought back the tears that were about to fall, "I guess this is where it ends then." Lewis looked up at you and swallowed as he saw how much he had hurt you by saying those words. "(y/n), I-"

"Save it, Lewis. I obviously don't mean anything to you anyway. Have a nice life, I'm done trying to be in it," you cut him off and stormed out of his house only to find out that it was raining hard. You groaned in frustration and were ready to open the door to your car when you were pulled back into Lewis arms.

"Don't leave, please. Don't ever leave like that again," Lewis whispered in your hair which made your tears finally fall. "(y/n), listen to me. I love you so much, but you deserve a man who is home each and every day and gives you all of his attention. I will never be able to do that as long as I stay in Formula 1. You deserve the world and I can't give that to you."

You shook your head and chuckled a little, "shut up," you said before planting your lips upon his, to which he immediately responded. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush against his body. You had long forgotten about the rain. In need for air, you broke apart from the kiss and rested your forehead against his, "Lewis Hamilton, you are my world."

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