Nico Hülkenberg: Get to know me

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A/N: Huge credits to my girl @DannyRicc17 for inspiring me to write something similar to her One Shot. I absolutely loved it 😍 Go check it out if you haven't already! So this is actually based on a true story of how I met Nico - up to a certain level, which is for me to know and for you to find out oops.

Word count: a little over 2K (I got very excited).

You were awoken by your mother in the morning, making you smile immediately at the thought of maybe meeting your crush Nico Hülkenberg at the Gamma Racing Day in Assen, the Netherlands.

"Today's the day. Are you excited?" She asked, making you nod your head frantically. You quickly got out of bed and went to get ready. Putting in your contact lenses before doing your make-up. You had breakfast and walked a quick round with the dog, starting to put everything you needed into your bag. You grabbed your photo camera, phone, lip-gloss, a small hairbrush, a cap, sunglasses and not to forget: paddock passes.

"Dad, can you take us there already?" You asked hopefully as you were ready to go earlier than planned. He agreed and you hopped into the car, thinking of at least a hundred scenarios of how this day could end. Half an hour later, you were walking through the entrance with your mom once your dad had dropped you off at the circuit. You were handed a cap at the entrance and received a goody bag with gadgets for the car.

You and your mom decided to see what was going on at the track and climbed up the grandstand. Once you got a seat close to the starting and finishing-line, you found out there would be an F2 race of 25 minutes long. You decided to watch until the end and cheered as the Red Bull finished first place. Also cheering for the driver who came over the chequered flag last. He really tried his best.

You rolled your eyes so many times sitting there at the grandstand. People could honestly be so annoying. After the race, the two of you decided to seek the entrance to the paddock, which you found not too long after. You walked around the paddock for a while, occasionally snapping some pictures of vehicles, until it was almost time for Nico's Renault F1 demonstration. You smiled as you actually saw him drive around and heard the engine. You swore that it was such a sexy sound the car made. After his demonstration, you made your way over to the place where the Renault team could be found, asking someone if Nico had been there already. He hadn't been. You waited for what felt like ages. Your mother noticed a crowd forming on the other side and noticed that it was Robert Doornbos. She grabbed your cap and said she'd try to get an autograph. Not long after she left, Nico came into view. Your smile widened at seeing him standing there, taking a sip from his water bottle. You tried to get your mom's attention but it was no use. Nico disappeared soon after anyway, making you frown as you didn't even get an autograph. The main goal was, of course, to get a picture with him. But hey, an autograph would work too. Your mom came back not too long after, saying that Robert left right before it was her turn. "I don't think he's coming anymore, (y/n)."

"But maybe he will. Just a little bit longer," you said, trying to convince her to wait a little longer at the fence near to his race car. You snapped a few pictures of it and watched in awe as they transported it back and forth. You squealed as Nico came into view once again, now making his way over to the crowd. "Mom he's coming our way!" You said, quickly pulling off the cap you were wearing in case he had the time to sign it.

He was so close you could touch him. The moment went by so fast. He took a hold of your cap and signed it. You leaned a little closer to him, "can I have a picture?" You asked hopefully.

"I have to keep moving, I don't have much time. Sorry," he answered. You weren't even really disappointed. You had talked to him and he had said something back. He went on to sign your mom's cap. "Will you come back, though?" She asked. He smiled, but didn't reply. You quickly snapped some more pictures of him until he went out of sight. Your mom smiled as she saw the big smile on your face. The two of you waited until he came back into sight again, but soon disappeared in a vehicle.

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