Preference: Anxiety

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I'm not really familiar with the feeling of anxiety, so I hope that I wrote something that makes sense! To anyone suffering from anxiety: keep on going, you're doing a great job and I'm proud of you!

Requested by the lovely VettelFerrari

Sebastian Vettel:

Today you would have to do a resit of a subject in school you found extremely difficult. You had been practicing hard for it ever since you got to hear you failed. And yet, you still felt like you couldn't do it and that it was just too hard. You got so scared by the thought of having to drop out if you didn't pass the test this time. You had been nervous the whole morning already. You wished so hard Sebastian was there to hold you in his arms, but you knew there was no way he could, seeing as he wasn't anywhere close. You immediately felt saddened by the thought of it. He had probably forgotten that you had to take the resit anyway. You were deeply lost in your thoughts when you suddenly felt strong arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you flush into a warm body. The body of no other than your boyfriend Sebastian. You squealed like a little kid and jumped into his arms, making him chuckle.

"I'm so glad you're here, Seb!" you said as you stroked his cheek. He became more handsome every time you saw him.

"Thought you'd like the company today, mein liebe {my love}," he said as he pulled you into his chest once again, "you'll do great. You always do. Don't worry about it too much," he softly whispered into your ear after pressing a kiss to your temple. You smiled and wrapped your arms tighter around him, sighing contently. All your fears immediately vanished, because whenever Sebastian was around, you felt like you could do anything.

Daniel Ricciardo:

You had been dancing ever since you were a little girl. You loved every part of it, except for performing in front of a crowd. You had always been afraid of crowds, even more so to do anything in front of one. You were afraid people would judge you. You were afraid you'd make mistakes and all the people seeing it would be laughing at you. You were afraid of falling off the stage. But most of all, you were afraid of the people you love seeing you fail. That's why you were so afraid right now. Daniel had invited himself and his parents over to watch one of your performances. You had politely tried to tell them not to come, but they were too excited to listen to that. Daniel didn't know you felt so nervous about this. He'd always thought you liked performing because you always hid how you truly felt about it. You were afraid that if you told anyone, they would just laugh at you or tell you not to complain about it and just do it. Easier said than done.

You were shaking and felt like crying ten minutes before you needed to get on stage. Your dance group didn't seem to notice as they were too busy preparing themselves. You tried to even your breathing but you felt it get worse the more time passed by. One of the group members must have noticed you all of a sudden, because she sprinted off. A minute later you saw the familiar mop of curls coming into view. Daniel crouched down in front of you and took your hands in his, telling you to calm down and count to ten. He helped you steady your breathing. After a little while you felt at ease again and you let yourself fall into Daniel's arms.

"I'm so sorry, love. I swear if I had known..." he began, but you cut him off by pressing your lips against his. You smiled at him and told him to go back into his seat before the act began. "It's okay, Dan. I should've told you," you said. You were now at ease again and weren't dreading the performance anymore. Not as long as Daniel was in the room. You wanted to make him proud and so you did.

Max Verstappen:

Max had taken you along to a party being hosted by his friend Martin Garrix. You didn't tell him but you were actually shitting your pants all the time someone seemed to walk over to you. He had stalked off to get something to drink and you lost sight of him. You tried not to panic as you were stuck in between a lot of bodies. You felt like your world was spinning and you felt your lungs tighten. You tried to stay calm but you could only think about getting out of this place. You felt like a lot of people were staring at you or scowling at you for accidentally bumping into them.

You were glad to see the exit as you stumbled out into the open and breathed in the cool night air. After a few minutes you steadied your breathing and decided to text Max. you waited outside for ten minutes and still hadn't heard anything from him. You didn't want to go back inside but you also didn't want to walk home on your own. You sighed heavily and dropped your head in your hands after sitting down on the porch. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see Max looking down at you, frowning slightly. He sat down next to you and took your hand in his while wrapping his arm around you, pulling you into his side. You sighed again and leaned your head against his chest. "Weren't you enjoying the party, babe?" he asked as he gently stroked your hair.

"No, actually," you said honestly. He frowned and asked you to explain why not. "I don't like crowds, they make me feel like I'm suffocating."

"You should have told me before we left, (y/n). We could've just stayed home instead," Max said. You were glad he didn't yell at you or think you were just being annoying, because a lot of people you knew had done that before. You felt like someone finally understood you and it made you feel so loved. "I know Max, I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin your mood, so I just came along."

"You can tell me anything. I'd rather spend my time with you than with anyone else, (y/n)," Max said as he lifted up your hand and placed some kisses on them, being the gentleman he is, "come on then, let's get out here, I wasn't really enjoying the party either anyway. I suggest we just watch some movies instead tonight," he said as he raised his eyebrows, making you giggle and nod your head.

Lewis Hamilton:

Lewis had asked you out on a date a few days ago. You were preparing yourself and it had taken you at least an hour to find something to wear. You were never really insecure about yourself, but when it came to dating, it was a totally different story. When picking an outfit you felt like you would either look too fat, too casual or too dressed up. You hated yourself for having such negative thoughts.

You were ready preparing yourself for the date and you anxiously waited on the couch in the living room for Lewis to arrive. After what seemed like an eternity – which actually was only one minute – the bell rang. You hurried your way over to the door and opened it to see Lewis standing in front of you. He was wearing denim pants and a nice white blouse. His hair was styled neatly and he held some beautiful roses in his hands. He handed them over to you and you quickly put them in a vase before leaving the house.

Lewis had taken you out to a small but cosy restaurant, with a beautiful view across the sea. He had told you that you looked stunning and that he loved your hair the way you wore it. You thanked him and blushed, avoiding his intense stare by looking away from him. What if he was lying? Maybe he was just being nice and didn't find you beautiful at all. The negative thoughts came back all of a sudden and you tried to stop them, but you couldn't. Lewis must have seen your frowning face, because he reached over the table and put his hands over yours, sending a warm smile your way before asking you if you were okay. You nodded your head a little, feeling more at ease already. He raised an eyebrow, letting you know he didn't believe you. You sighed and decided to just tell him what was bothering you. He seemed to understand you and told you that he knew how you felt. He explained that he always felt anxious before an important race. He even told you that he was also nervous for this date, because he wanted to make a good impression on you. You couldn't quite believe what you heard, but you were happy to know that he understood how you were feeling.

The rest of the night went by smoothly. The two of you talked about a lot of things that interested you. you didn't feel anxious around him anymore as the night came to an end. Lewis took you back home and you even dared to give him a peck on the cheek. He smiled at you and told you he'd call you soon, saying that he enjoyed your company and wanted to settle a new date. you smiled contently and walked back inside your house, biting your lip at the thought of the next date.

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