Chapter 35

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Katie's POV (1 week later)
"Scarlett!" I yell up the stairs in an attempt to get her down the stairs quicker. She went up to get Huggy, while I found my car keys. We are going out to get some stuff for dinner.

"Yeah?" She asks down the stairs.
"Hurry up!" I yell again.
"Otay" She responds as I hear her footsteps come down the stairs.
"Right you ready?" I ask her as I drape her coat over her shoulders and put her arms through the sleeves.
"Yeah," She smiles softly.
Just then my phone starts to ring in my back pocket.
"Hold on," I smile, standing up and answering it.
"Hello?" I greet down the phone.
"Hey Katie, it's Frances Lawrence here." He introduces himself and I begin to grow worried. Why would he be calling me? Has something happened? Is Jen okay? All these questions enter my mind and I don't reply so he continues.
"It's about Jen," He continues in a weary tone.
"What about her?" I reply.
"There's been an accident," He replies.
"Is she okay?" I ask urgently.
"Yes, she's fine. She wasn't hurt but her stunt double was doing a stunt for her today and was killed. Jen's really shaken up about it." He tells me and my stomach drops.
"Renee?" I ask him.
"Yes. Renee." He sighs. He's obviously tired and worried.
"Can I speak to Jennifer?" I ask him as Scar looks up at me.
"I sent her back to her hotel and gave her the next two weeks off cause of it... She's really shaken by it and I think she blames herself for it." He tells me.
"Well what can I do?" I ask him
"Could you fly over here?" He asks me.
"Well what about Scarlett?" I point out.
"I can arrange a babysitter." He tells me and I look down at Scarlett and she stares back at me. She's only began to get comfortable with just me here and me leaving would freak her out all over again.
"Okay I can but I don't know about leaving Scar with a stranger." I tell him as I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.
"You could bring her but I just thought it would be easier if she was left in LA." He tells me.
"No it will be fine. When can I fly out?" I ask him.
"As soon as possible would be great. I can book a flight for tonight." He suggests.
"Okay well let me know when it is and I'll be on it." I smile slightly at the idea of seeing Jen again.
"Shall do." He replies.
"Oh and Frances... Don't tell Jen I'm coming." I tell him.
"Okay." He confirms.
"Bye Frances." I say.
"Bye Katie." He says down the phone then hangs up.
"Okay Scar change of plans." I sigh as I stand up and lift her up onto my hip.
"What?" She asks me curiously.
"We are going on a plane." I tell her. I don't bother telling her where we are going she wouldn't know where it was.
"Oh..." she trails off clearly a little disappointed. I don't want to tell her we are seeing Jen. I want it to be a surprise for both of them.
"It'll be fun." I smile and tap her nose as we walk up the stairs where I pack our stuff and get ready for the flight. About twenty minutes later I got a email from Frances's assistant with the details of the flight. After having gotten that I drove us to the airport and parked the car in the airport parking lot and got us on the flight as quickly as possible without being spotted.

When we landed in Hungary we got picked up at the airport by a private car sent by Frances. When we got to the hotel we made our way up to Jen's room. Scarlett was surprisingly calm on the flight and didn't ask me many questions apart from the odd "Are we there yet?"
"I need you to be really quite." I told her kneeling done in front of her and wrapping her coat around her tightly.
"Otay" she grinned back at me. In return I smiled at her then stood up and knocked on the door.
A few seconds later I hear Jen's footsteps coming to the door. When she opens it her face looks sad and you can tell she's been crying, and she's wearing a white bath robe but all that pain on her expression goes away when she looks at us.
"Surprise," I smile awkwardly as she grins and lifts Scarlett up into her arms.
"Mommy!" Scar yells when she sees her. I didn't tell Scarlett that we where seeing Jen so she's just as surprised as Jen is.
"Why are you here?" She asks me as she grabs me into a tight embrace where I can feel her bunch the back of my jacket up in her fists of relief and happiness.
"Frances called me," I smile into her shoulder as Scar wraps her arms around both our necks.
She doesn't respond and continues to cling to me.
"It's not your fault Jen," I whisper in her ear as she shakes in my arms.
In response she nods into my shoulder then releases the embrace.
"You okay?" I ask her with a worried face.
"Better now that you guys are here." She grins at Scarlett.
"Good," I smile at her.
"You hungry?" I ask her.
"Nah not really," she sighs and walks further into the room then sits down on the bed with Scarlett on her lap.
"You can order room service if you're hungry," She suggests to me as I lay down on the other side of the bed.
"I'm good, I ate on the plane." I sigh as I close my eyes and relax.
"Okay well I'll get Scar some food," She tells me as I feel her stand up from the bed.
"Yeah okay you do that," my voice becomes faint as I drift off. I didn't realise how tired I was until I lay down. It was probably all the worry about Jen that caused it. Now that I know she's safe and reasonably okay now, I can sleep for a bit.

A/N: Boring but I needed to update! This seems a bit unrealistic but I'm gonna address those issues in the next chapter. What did you think?

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