Chapter 99

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Jen's POV

Helping Piper into Katie's car as the press swarm us at the airport, my other body guard blocks them off and Katie takes our bags and I then make it into the passenger seat. Looking at Piper behind me she's pretty drowsy from the pain killers so I just leave her to relax.

"Fucking twats," Katie grunts as she gets into the car and pulls out of the lay by.

"Are they at the house?" I ask her already having an idea of the answer.

"Yes and they're lucky I haven't run them down yet, they keep beating the shit out of my hood when I'm coming out of the drive," She sighs.

"It'll die down soon," I assure her and she just groans.

Looking at her state she's sweaty, pale and shaking with either anger or illness, probably both.

I don't mention anything of it, I know why and I'd rather not draw attention to it, she'd probably rather I didn't too.

"How's Sophie liking the house?" I try and make conversation.

"She thinks it's unreal, Scarlett met her this morning," She tells me and I'm mildly surprised.

"What did Laura bring her and Alex back?" I ask her quizzically.

"Yeah I asked her to cause I felt the inevitable kicking in last night and I wanted some other people around to keep the attention off me," She explains and I understand her motive.

Getting back to the house Katie was right and the press are in a hoard at the gate. Katie has to slowly edge the car in so as not to hit any of them and end up with a lawsuit of attempted vehicular homicide.

We soon make it in with a lot to do and the gates close on them Laura is opening the door for us allowing us a quick escape from the cameras.

"Fucking joke the way those low life bastards get on," Katie grunts angrily as she sets the bags at the bottom of the stairs. She's clearly very grumpy.

"Can you help me with Piper?" I ask her as I hold Piper up.

"Yeah yeah sure," She grabs Piper's other side and helps me bring her upstairs to my room.

Piper might as well be unconscious by now. Those pain meds knock her out every time she takes them.
Laying her in under the covers I pull the duvet up and over her chest.

"Call me if you need anything," Katie tells me as she walks out.

"No I'm coming now," I force myself away from Piper knowing she's safe and asleep.

Going downstairs with Katie I walk into the kitchen and Scarlett immediately stumbles her way down off the island seat and bounds towards me. Kneeling down I catch her as she wraps her arms around my neck and I lift her up hugging her tightly to my body.

"Told you I was fine," I smile into her and she nods into my shoulder.

"Where's Alex?" I ask to Laura as she pours some tea.

"Having a nap but she should be up soon," She tells me and I nod.

Looking over my shoulder into the living room I see Sophie and Katie on the couch together. She better not lie to her about this drug addiction like she said she would, it'll only cause problems if she lies. If Sophie knows then she can help her and won't be so confused as to how ill she'll be in a few hours time.

Letting Scarlett down I kneel down to her level.

"Go get Katie will you?" I ask her and she nods going off into the living room to get her. Scarlett returns with her a few seconds later and I send Scarlett off to watch tv.

"What is it?" She leans against the island tiredly as she looks at both Laura and I.

"You need to tell her," I whisper to her and he jaw clenches immediately.

"No," She tells me firmly.

"Katie-" She cuts me off.

"No Jen I already told you no, I'm not endangering what we have for fuck sake, I'd rather leave my fucking drug addiction out of her knowledge," She grunts in a gruff hushed tone.

"Don't get on like that, it's better if she knows, she can help you then," I fight her desperately but she won't take it.

"Katie listen to her you idiot," Laura grows short tempered with her.

"Just let me do it my way for now, I don't want to fuck this up with her," She walks out dismissing the conversation.

"She's even more stubborn than you," Laura comments and I sigh folding my arms.

"She's even more stupid too if she thinks she can get away with this," I breathe tiredly as I run my hands through my hair.

"She's just scared," Laura tells me and I understand what she means.

"Maybe," I nod looking down.

"Leave her be for a while, she's just in a snappy mood cause of the withdrawal," She suggests.

It isn't just the withdrawal though. She's been like this with me any other time I've seen her recently, there must be something else playing on her mind that she is once again too stubborn to reveal.

A/N: How was it guys??

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