Chapter 100

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Jen's POV

Sitting at the kitchen island in thought I exhale slowly as I look down at my cup of tea. I can't sleep. I used to be able to sleep really well. But now. Now it's completely different. Now that I've got kids I'm either up tending to them or worrying about them. I don't worry about Scarlett or Alex, it's Katie who has kept me up most out of all. Before she and Sophie went to bed her withdrawal had kicked in and she was throwing up everything possible she even regurgitated water.

It was horrible to watch. I've always seen her as such a strong individual but now she's as weak as I've ever seen her and I thought I had seen her at her lowest of points when we first met but sadly I was wrong.

Looking at my half empty cup of tea I cast my eyes to my hands and begin to play with my fingers in nervousness. I've developed a lot of nervous ticks in the past few years, my life has gotten a lot more complicated since the years before.

"Oh hi I thought everyone was away to bed," Sophie treads softly into the kitchen as she wears one of Katie's hoodies.

"Couldn't sleep," I sigh tiredly as she takes a glass out of the cupboard and fills it with water.

"How's Katie?" I anticipate her words with both eagerness and dread.

"She's asleep now but that bug seems to have really taken its tole on her," Sophie tells me innocently and I feel terrible lying to her. She needs to know, Katie needs all the help and support that she can get right now.

Looking over Sophie's state she looks tired and stressed. She looks down nervously as she drinks her water and her sleeves are down over her hands as she clenches them with her fists.

"Sophie," I address her in a soft and gentle tone.

Looking up to me she seems nervous but interested.

"Katie didn't want to tell you this because she was afraid of jeopardising what you guys have," I begin to try and explain it in as endearing a manner as possible.

"Tell me what?" She chuckles nervously in a half hearted manner.

"She hasn't got a virus or anything like that," I add on more information. I'm terrified to unveil the whole story to her naive eyes.

"You know the way she has back problems?" I ask her and she nods as she stares at me in anticipation.

"She started taking drugs to avoid the pain and she got addicted but this virus she has is really withdrawal. She's trying to get off them," I explain carefully and calmly.

"Did you know?" She looks at me oddly.

"No not until the mugging incident and when I did I talked it out with her and she explained to me how much she likes you and doesn't want to screw up," I soften the blow as much as I can. This is such a tricky subject to handle.

"So she didn't tell me because she was scared I'd break up with her?" She clarifies and I nod.

"I'm only telling you because she needs all the support she can get right now," I tell her.

"Yeah of course I know but I'm surprised she'd lie about that. She's usually not very scared to tell me anything and she knows I'd support her with something like that," She looks down in thought.

"It's nothing against you she's obviously just very confused as of late," I assure her.

"Yeah I know what you mean," She nods along but doesn't look up. I've definitely freaked her out but that should change when she talks it out with Katie.

"I'm going to go back to bed and see how she's getting on now but thank you Jen, for telling me. I'm glad you did," She smiles timidly and sadly which I return with a nod.

"It's okay I just thought it would be best for you to know,"

"Thanks," She tells me genuinely and that's it. She leaves for bed without another word. Katie is guaranteed to be angry at me, I don't know how angry but I know I'll be hit with some fury in the morning even though she'll be frail and tired.

Forcing myself up from my seat at the island I follow Sophie's demonstration and go to bed. Walking into my room I come across Piper still knocked out by her pain meds, she lays in deep slumber under the covers. I've never seen anyone look this adorable when they sleep. Sittings down on the side of the bed I place my hand on her forehead and start to run my fingers through her soft, short hair.

Her chest rises and falls timidly while her face conveys pure relaxation. I love seeing her in a peaceful manner.

She deserves it.

A/N: How was it guys?? Sorry it was so boring.

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