Chapter 86

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Jen's POV (above pic is the girl Piper met)

Realising that we're leaving for Paris soon I go in search of Piper considering she broke tradition this morning when she didn't come and make sure I was up. She could still be asleep and I don't want her having to rush with getting herself together

Walking past Alex asleep in her crib I try not to wake her with my soft footsteps. Opening my door into the hallway my room is right beside Piper's again and I'm halted when I'm met with Piper standing in her doorway with disheveled hair and the girl from last night leant in against her chest as she embraces her gently. I seem like such a creep but I don't care, I just open my door at the wrong time.

The girl moves out from her chest and smiles at her which Piper returns. Piper is damn good. Angela I think it is places her hands on Piper's chest as she breathes steadily looking down on her. Piper is probably about two inches taller than her, giving Piper the advantage of being the alpha in the relationship and being well built for a good hug.

"I had a great time last night slash this morning," She tells Piper and her grin grows.

"I said I'd deliver," Piper brushes a strand of hair behind her scores ear.

"And deliver you did,"

"You though..." Piper smirks leaning over her slightly.

"You definitely know what you're doing," Piper finishes and is silenced by Angela taking the chest of her hoodie and pulling Piper into her lips.

Piper becomes invested but opens her eyes, possibly to inspect the surroundings and annoyingly they meet mine.

"Oh shit I forgot about Paris," She blurts out ending the exchange with her most likely one night stand.

"Sorry I- Sorry I- Sorry-" I stammer and stutter nervously and retreat into my room with no idea of what to say.

A few moments later after my embarrassing behaviour I'm sitting on the end of the bed with my leg jittering in nervousness when Piper walks in with a cheeky smirk making me chuckle awkwardly and look down as she sits down beside me.

"You Just love spying on me don't you," She tells me.

"I'm not spying I just open up the door at the wrong time," I defend myself and she laughs.

"Scored well with that one," I tell her in reference to the girl.

"Yeah she's pretty great," She shrugs looking down.

"What is it?" I question her.

"Nothing I just can't get her out of my head," She breathes a shaky breath.

"Who?" I know fine rightly who but I don't want to seem too informed.

"Zoey. Ex," She replies.

"Oh," I place my hand on her back as an attempt at comfort.

"I wish I could just wipe my mind clean of her but I still don't want to either," She groans leaning back and laying on the bed.

"I'm sorry Piper,"

"Don't worry about it. It's not like it's your fault," She assures me but I still can't help but to feel bad for her.

"Still. You don't deserve it, she's the one who lost someone who cared about her, why should you be grieving," I try and build a case for her to stop feeling pain over her god awful ex.

"Because I loved- Love her," She corrects herself.

Not having a fight for her point I just sit in silence for the next few seconds until she drags herself upright.

"Oh I still have your pain killers. I'll get them here," She walks out as fast as she can with the faint sound of sniffing coming from her nose. I wonder why? Over that damn bitch that doesn't appreciate a catch when she gets one.

Her next visit was fleeting and I barely even saw her face, she was in and out that quickly dropping off the medication.

It's probably good though, Alex woke up and hasn't given me a second despair and we're now on the plane and guess what. She's basically having a nervous break down.

"Calm down Al," I bounce her in my knee and as per usual she just keeps on spewing the tears.

"Here give her to me," Piper tells me as she stops in front of me with the intention of walking back to her seat.

"No it's fine you probably need some sleep," I smirk at her and she chuckles.

"I'm fine just give Alex to me, I can see you're about to tear your hair out and we can't have that," She smiles and I sigh with a soft smile before giving in cause let's face it a nap sounds pretty damn appealing right now.

"Thank you," I call to her genuinely as she's walking away with Alex and her red splotchy face.

I don't know what I'd do without her now. She's had my back a lot since she started working in the team and one thing I'll tell you in total confidence. That kiss this morning... I kinda wanted to be on the receiving end of it.

A/N: Oh shit guys what're you thinkin?? Who likes Piper and who wants to get her to back off??

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