Chapter 10

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Jens POV
My finger hovers over the button as Katie stares intently at the screen of my phone waiting for me to press it.

"Just do it we'll have to eventually, better get it over and done with." She spoke, breaking her gaze and casting it upon my worry stricken face, she was right though.

"You're right." I sighed at her.

"Okay, one, two, three." I counted then hit the button that would change our lives forever.

"You should probably leave your phone on the table for awhile." Katie laughed at its sudden explosion of notifications.

"Yeah probably." I sniggered and smiled down at the phone.

"Here, i can just turn of notifications." She spoke, while motioning for me to hand her the phone, which i did.

"There you go, now it won't drive us insane." She laughed handing it back.

"I think you spoke too soon." I sniggered at her as her phone began to have a meltdown on the arm of the sofa in the living room, where we had been sitting.

"Looks like it." She smiled and leaned over the sofa to grab it and do the same thing she had done to mine.

"So how does it feel being famous?" I laughed when she had settled back in to the sofa.

"Its a bit early to tell." She laughed.

"But I don't really think i'll feel very different apart from probably alienated when i'm out in public." She finished sighing.

"Yeah, i'd love to say that you wont but, you are right that's how it is." I sigh while making soft eye contact with her and squeezing her left forearm.

"So what's happening with the Passengers re-shoots?" She asks changing the subject.

"I start them on monday, but i'm only doing them for three days so i will be done by thursday." I answer, in a sad tone.

"Why did they have to re-shoot anyway?" She asks me in a quizzical tone.

"There was some problems with the CGI so we have to shoot some stuff differently for it to work." I reply.

"Oh right." She sighs.

"Oh right." I sigh mocking her tone.

"Very funny, what do you want to do?" She sniggers.

"We can't exactly do anything involving our phones." She finishes, laughing and directing her gaze to our phones that are lighting up uncontrollably.

"Yeah i can see that." I laugh following her gaze.

"We could have some dinner, it is five o'clock?" I question her as my hunger sets in after the mention of food.

"Sounds good." She smiles.

"What do you want to have?" I question her.

"I don't mind just so long as i eat before my stomach chews off my right arm." She laughs.

"Yeah me too." I laugh at her sarcastic personality.

"What are you doing?" I question her curiously after watching her as she fiddles with the controller for the speaker and her phone at the same time.

"I'll show you." She smiles at me.

"Okay." I snigger at her.

"Pick a song." She commands, directing her gaze towards me.

"Why?" I laugh at her sudden commands.

"I'll show you." She repeats her previous statement.

"Okay, emm... Bleeding out." I answer quickly.

"Good choice." She smiles at me.

"one, two, three." She smiles and presses a button on her phone and the song comes on.
A/N: that's the song. Enjoy!

"How'd you do that?" I question in a surprised tone.

"Ah Jennifer..." she sighs while tapping the side of her nose indicating its a secret.

"Seriously how?" I laugh nudging her shoulder.

"I just connected it with bluetooth." She answers happily.

"Im not even gonna ask what that is." I laugh at her while waving my hands in front of me dismissively.

"I thought you wouldn't." She laughs at my lack of technical knowledge.

"Yeah, yeah." I smile doing the same hand gesture.

"Im gonna check instagram." She states while grabbing her phone.

"Okay." I sigh while sinking further into the couch in comfort.

"Oh. My. God." She grins widely down at her phone after about a second of having looked at it.

"What, what?" I ask worriedly while sitting forward on the couch while staring at her.

"I have ten million followers!" She yells happily while grabbing me and hugging me, which i happily return after having caught up with her quick and surprising actions.

"Congrats." I laugh at her happiness.

"Thank you." She speaks into my chest where she was still clinging to me.

"Why are you thanking me?" I question her with a light laugh as we sway from side to side still wrapped tightly in the embrace.

"Because, you are why i'm in this situation." She smiles while releasing me and looking at me directly in the eyes.

"No, i'm not you are, it was your courage and strong will that got you here, no one else." I smile at her while gazing at her admirably.

"Now lets not get all mooshy." I laugh while bringing her in for another embrace.

"I love you." She speaks into my chest, taking me by surprise but I don't hesitate because i already know that i love her why wouldn't i, i have no reason not to.

"I love you too." I answer in a soft tone.

In response she tightens her grip around me and i do the same.

A/N: i did it i dropped the bomb! How was this chapter? Also you should check out my NEW Facebook page the link is in my description!

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