Chapter 85

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Piper's POV

My eyelids peel back and pain sores between my temples and all through my face. I'm laying on my hotel room bed with a small blood puddle below my mouth. How I got here I don't know but the last thing I remember is leading Jennifer through a crowd, that's it.

Lifting my hand I place it tentatively on the side of my head and make a failed attempt at soothing the pain. Moving it round to my face I run it down in an unintentionally excruciating manner.

"You want some pain killers for that?" A sweet and enlightening voice asks making my body jolt with surprise. Sitting up I look over the bed at Jennifer sitting on the arm chair beside the bed.

What the fuck! Why did I think that?! She's my boss I can't think shit like that.

"I'll take your stunned silence as a yes," She smiles getting up and going into the bathroom coming back with a orange bottle of pills.

"Are those not yours?" I ask her in a raspy tone knowing they're for her arm.

"I can spare a few, you did get beaten up Piper," She tells me and I take on a surprised look. Did I?

"You really don't remember do you?" She asks sitting on the side of the bed.

Shaking my head in response she smiles sadly before going on to explain.

"You were helping me through the crowd when some drunk guy punched you in the side of the head, you went down straight away and then he just laid into you until Matt dragged him off," She explains as she fights the cap off the pills.

"Did I at least take the beating well?" I smirk and she giggles replying.

"Yeah surprisingly," She smiles looking into her lap at the pills before looking up at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I act offended and she chuckles before opening her mouth to reply and be interrupted by a loud rapping on the door.

Getting up she goes to the door and I can hear a small, short conversation be exchanged before she comes gliding back in with a mildly distraught look which I choose not to address.

"Am I in for a shock when I see my face?" I ask Jennifer wearily.

"Maybe," She shrugs and I just sigh walking into the bathroom to inspect the damage.

"Jesus," I whisper to myself when I see my battered face.

"Surprise," Jennifer's tells me from the bedroom.

Let me just break it down for you guys. Let's go from forehead to chin. Just above my right eyebrow is a lengthy cut, both my eyes are laced and surrounded by purple bulbous bruising, the bridge of my nose has been sliced, my right cheek has a laceration stinging at me and my chin still bodes the bruise from Zoey. Yeah her. I don't want to talk about her, I don't even want to think about her.

"You could've warned me," I walk back into the bedroom and she shrugs apologising.

"Sorry," She smiles weakly and I just sigh grabbing my black hoodie and pulling it on.

Feeling my phone buzz in my back jean pocket I pull it out and my face contorts in confusion and anger. Control yourself, don't fucking do a thing you stupid prick.

"What?" Jennifer asks and I tense my arms strongly, taking my phone in both hands and tightening my grip as much as possible before the pain becomes unbearable and I give in to my frustrations, firing the phone across the room and smashing it on the wall.

Not looking up in order to avoid Jennifer's undoubtedly frightened expression I walk out slamming the door behind me.

Jen's POV

What? Did I say something? Walking over to Piper's most likely shattered phone I pick it up and look at the screen, laced with different coloured lines and the ink from the screen seeping through the cracks. I can see some messages that I can construe very weakly.

"Are you okay? Please reply Piper, I still care x" Pleads come through from someone called Zoey.

Placing the phone back down I leave not wanting Piper to know I saw the text. I'm guessing Zoey is her ex. In all honesty I don't have a taste for Zoey in fact I have a very strong distaste for her.

I didn't see Piper for the rest of the day, she may end up getting reprimanded over it if Matt tells the security agency but I doubt he will, I had a very strong word with him about doing that. When I least expected to see Piper she popped up out of no where. She's been close by me through out the whole event but now something or might I say someone has caught her eye.

Standing at the bar with my back turned to Piper she seems to have struck up a conversation with someone. Myself on the other hand I'm stuck in gruelling conversation with one of the producers from the movie. Zoning out of what they have to say, I can see the producers lips moving but I focus on Piper's voice coming from behind.

"What's your name?" Piper asks the someone.

"Angela," They respond.

"Ah derived from the word angel. It's appropriate," Piper tells her smoothly. I never thought Piper could be that smooth.

I can't help myself but to smirk at their conversation.

"You're cute," She's told and she laughs modestly.

"I try," She replies.

"What happened to your face?" She asks and I begin to feel tense for her.

"Long story short I got punched a few times and by a few I mean a lot," She explains in a slightly comical manner.

"And by a lot I mean I blacked out," She adds with a chuckle and gets one of those giggles in return, one of those giggles that mean Piper has likely sealed the deal.

"We can't have that," The girl replies in a sweet but seductive manner.

There conversation lasts to the point that they sit down together and later in the night I catch sight of the expected.

Piper scored.

A/N: How was it guys??

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