Chapter 64

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Katie's POV

"I'm gonna go clean my car," I call into the house as I walk across the hall towards the front door.

"Just get the guy that does mine to do yours," Jen tells me as she follows me.

"Rather do it myself," I counter and she folds her arms leaning against the door frame.

I don't say anything and just stand staring at her with a look that suggests that I'm not going to listen to her.

"Fine weirdo," She raises her hands in surrender.

"I don't want some grubby dude touching my car is that seriously weird?" I cock my eyebrow at her.

She doesn't respond and I snigger.

"Right again," I smirk and walk out.

Jen's POV

I keep a smile on my face until the front door closes and then it's slowly fades away and I'm left to wonder why Katie seems strange.

"Mommy!" Scarlett screams from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah?" I call back in worry as I jog to the bottom of the staircase.

"When's dinner?" She asks in a normal tone and I just chuckle in response.

"I'm not sure. Darren is making it and he's not back yet," I inform her and she just nods then turns and starts to walk back to her room trailing Huggy on the floor behind her.

I don't further the conversation and try and decide on what to do to kill time until Darren gets back.

Screw it, I sigh to myself and walk to the front door swinging it open and walking down the steps with my arm folded and into the driveway where music blasts from Katie's car stereo.

"You trying to become deaf now?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she just smiles crookedly and continues cleaning the hood of her car with the sudd filled water.

"I'll take that as a yes," I sigh and unfold my arms, grabbing a water saturated sponge from the bucket beside her foot.

"So why do you want the music so loud?" I ask her as I start to smear the car with soapy water.

"I don't know to be honest. Just like it," She shrugs.

"Fair enough," I sigh in return and I can feel her eyes on me from across the hood of the car but I don't look up, instead I continue the task at hand.

The previous song that I didn't recognise finishes and another one comes on and I try and remember what one it is because it's very familiar.

When I finally figure out what song it is I look up and am greeted by Katie lip syncing the lyrics dramatically but I can't comment or laugh cause it's actually good.

A smirk climbs onto my lips and stays there for the duration of her lip sync.

Once the song had run itself out she went back to normal like nothing happened.

"That was exhilarating," I exaggerate to her.

"It was meant to be," She winks which makes me loose my composure all together, I end of racked with laughter and Katie just gets on with cleaning the car, she's used to making me laugh like this.

"Done yet?" She smiles slightly and I finally regain my cool.

She seems fine and it makes me feel better.

"Just about," I hold my hand to my nose in an effort not to laugh. I succeed apart from a few snorts of laughter.

"How you feeling?" Katie asks me after awhile of silent cleaning.

"Better, morning sickness didn't kick my ass this morning which is a plus," I tell her and she nods.

"It'll subside eventually just not for awhile," She says.

"Yeah I know but let's just say if I could pay to have it fuck off all together, I'd pay copious amounts for that service," I mumble making her snigger.

My phone starts to ring in the pocket of my hoodie and I groan walking away and taking the phone call at the bottom of the steps.

Katie's POV

Jen's conversation seems quite serious so I climb into the car and turn the music down. I watch her from the driver seat as she paces the bottom of the steps on the phone. Her face seems relatively relaxed but contorts every now and again at different points in the conversation.

When she finally finishes her conversation I climb out of the car and stand leaning against the inside of the car door.

"So?" I ask her.

"Well I have to go to the met gala next week and guess who I'm bringing," She pokes my chest and it tightens slightly in response.

"Kevin?" I ask.

"I wish, but it's you," She sighs and I laugh in response but I'm really shitting myself on the inside. I've never ever done a red carpet with Jen and I know that they're nerve wrecking and like navigating a mine field.

"So? You in?" She grins.

"Definitely," I smile in response.


I'll have to do one eventually so why not get it out of the way now. If Jen can do it then I can.

A/N: Short and shit but what do you think?

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