Chapter 19

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Katie's POV

Jen's at the premiere for Passengers at the minute, she said to me about going but my ribs where too sore. When she asked she was being genuine it wasn't just a pitty invite, and when I denied I felt really bad but she understood that my ribs where killing me, after the premiere we are gonna pick her up and by we i mean myself and our security car, then we are gonna go straight to the airport and board the plane from the runway.

I'm just sitting in the hotel room with Justine Jen's assistant which Jen refuses to call her which I think is quite cute of her, she's pretty much just Jen's friend. When Jen's security calls we are gonna go collect her from the premiere.

What time is it? i ask to myself and reach over to grab my phone, its eight now and the movie started at six so if we leave now we should be right on time and Jen won't have to wait.

"If we leave now we won't have to wait." I speak up to Justine in the bathroom fixing her hair.

"Yeah true." she answers me, and comes walking out and leans against the doorway with her arms folded looking at me.

"Should we?" I ask her.

"It's better being early than late." she shrugs and walks back in.

"I'll take that as a yes." I laugh and get of the bed carefully so that i can slip on my shoes, I'm already changed so I just need them.

Katie's outfit

Katie's outfit

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I didn't have to worry about my outfit cause I won't be seen, so I just put on something comfy.

"Want help with those?" she asks me as she comes back into the room and notices my struggle with putting my shoes on in an effort to prevent any pain which is hopeless.

"Do you mind?" I ask her

"Not at all." she smiles, walking over to me and kneeling down to put the shoes on my feet.

"You have huge feet." she laughs at them.

"tell me about it." I laugh back.

"What size are they?" she questions

"Eight and a half." I laugh again.

"Cheesus." She laughs as she ties my last lace.

"All done." she smiles and gets up.

"Thanks." I smile to her and get up, grabbing my phone and suitcase, While Justine grabs Jen's and her own.

***Time skip to the airport***

Jen's POV

"Jen, come on." Katie sighs to me as she holds open the car door for me to get out.

"it's not as easy as it looks." I warn her refering to my premiere dress and how hard it is to get out of the car cause of it.

"yeah especially when if you are walking in  normal clothes you are still like bambie learning how to walk." She laughs at me, as she continues to hold the door.

In return I just laugh and finally get out of the car with Katie closing the door behind me.

Jen's dress A/N: lets pretend she didn't wear this before.

Jen's dress A/N: lets pretend she didn't wear this before

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"Congratulations, I am now a hundred years old."  Katie Smiles to me.

"Shut up." I laugh and hit her arm playfully as she mounts the steps up to the private plane.

"You look so comfy." I groan to her as she sits down in one of the seats.

"I am." she grins.

"I'm getting changed." I announce and go to get changed into a similair outfit to Katie's the only difference is I'm wearing fuzzy white socks and a plain red sweatshirt.

"Better?" Katie laughs at me as I sit down in the seat across from her.

"Better" I sigh back and sink further into the seat.

***Four hours into the flight***

"What time are we landing at?" Katie asks me as she wakes up and stretches in her seat.

"At like twenty-five past ten local time." I answer back after figuring it out in my head, without mentioning anything about Kentucky.

"So about four more hours." I add.

"uuugh." Katie groans back.

"All you two ever do is groan." Justine laughs from the seat across the aisle.

"Thats why we're made for eachother." Katie answers smuggly with a grin.

"Oh are you?" Justine retorts in the same way while laughing.

"Jen?" Katie raises her eyebrows at me, telling me to confirm her statment.

"We are." I laugh to Justine.

"I knew that i just wanted to clarify that you both felt the same." she laughs back and lays back in her seat and closes her eyes.

In return i just chuckle and turn my head forward again, When I do my eyes land on Katie, she's looking out the window, resting her chin on her hand and her elbow on the arm rest of her seat.

"You okay?" I ask her with concern.

"Yeah, just tired." She sighs back.

"How your ribs treating you?" I ask in the same way.

"They're fine just a bit sore, nothing that'll kill me." she answers with a soft smile.

"Here take your medication and have some water." I offer, walking across the plane to my handbag.

"Here." I sigh and hand her the pills and water bottle.

"Thanks." she smiles up to me and knocks down the pills and begins gulping down the whole bottle of water.

"That was impressive." I laugh to her when she's finished emptying the bottle and has set it down in the seat beside her.

"Oh, I know." She chuckles.

"So sure of yourself." I laugh while shaking my head then turn my attention back out the window.

A/N: Boring chapter but things will get more interesting next chapter. What did you think anyway?

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