Chapter 84

76 11 3

Jen's POV

Rapping begins on my door which drags me from the comfort of my warm cotton blend sheets. Grabbing my pain killers from the nightstand I stagger my way to the hotel room door as I fight the cap off.

Opening the door I look down to the orange pill bottle as I justify myself.

"Sorry one second," I tell to either Matt or Piper.

"Here," Piper's voice tells me and soon her hands take the bottle from me and open it. Looking up to her with a smile I'm surprised when I meet her bruised jaw and I'm reminded of her brutal rejection last night.

"How's the arm treating you?" She asks as she takes out the dosage of two pills.

"It's okay I'll survive," I assure her sarcastically and she chuckles lightly.

"Glad to hear it," She tells me with a crooked grin and I mirror it involuntarily as I knock back the pills.

"Anyway I was just knocking to make sure you were up before everyone else started rampaging in," She nods referring to the rest of my publicity team.

"Well I am now thanks to you so thank you," I smirk slightly.

"No problem," She winks and walks to her door just a meter from my own.

"Wait Piper," I blurt out regretting it immediately.

"Yeah?" She asks and turns back to me.

"Are you good?" I think of the best way of phrasing my question.

"Yeah," She answers with her hands in her jean pockets.

"I'm more than good," She nods back and I can hear how much she's lying to herself but choose it isn't exactly my place to mention it.

"Okay just checking," I nod and she returns it before disappearing into her room.

I've seen people reject comfort but never with this terminal a case, she's strong I'll give her that. She still managed to get out of bed this morning which says a lot about her.

Next on the press tour is London and the idea of being on a plane for a fourteen hour flight kills me especially with the lack of both arms but there's no getting out of it. There's no point in complaining I already make my teams job harder than it needs to be.

I got through the flight with help from some of Piper's sleeping pills that she has for reasons she failed to disclose. I'm far too nosey for my own good I know that, you can stop thinking it now. Anyhow back to my currently harsh reality.

Piper escorts me through a crowd near the entrance to the hotel as Matt my much less efficient security guard follows meters behind. Seeing no other choice to keep up with her I grab onto her hand and her grip becomes firm and strong in seconds. Her eyes cast down to our hands but she brushes the thought aside as she helps me through.

As her eyes cast back up to the side walk ahead she's ploughed down by a fist slamming into the side of her head. Her hand loses contact with mine when the pain is piled onto her even more profusely as a drunk commuter tackles her onto the tarmac ground. The obnoxious crowd move aside and watch intently as Piper has her face knocked into the back of her skull. Not knowing what to do I pull Matt over and he pulls him off her as she rolls onto her side and saliva contrasted with blood seeps from between her lips and proceeds it's way down her chin.

Kneeling beside her I place my hand on her back and look at her face as she attempts to stay conscious. In the background of the situation stands Matt who's sent the drunken attacker away, not seeing any other option I motion Matt over and he helps her up onto her poorly functioning feet, wrapping her arm around his shoulders she's basically dragged into the hotel and up to her room.

She slumps onto her front on the bed and doesn't even seem aware of her surroundings, her arm lays over the side of the bed and her fingers brush off the floor as she sputters moist breath into the pillow beside hers.

Knowing I can't leave her as she may have a concussion I pull the bed covers over her and sit down on the seat beside her bed with the intention of settling in for the long haul. She can take a punch very well I'll give her that two but Jesus Christ I've never seen someone have such a bad 24 hours, she went from getting rejected by someone she begged, to having her face knocked in. Now that's what I call bad luck. Luck she doesn't deserve.

I like her I don't want to see her getting hurt.

A/N: How was it guys???

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