Chapter 4

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Jens POV(day Katie gets out of hospital)
I sit in the back of the blacked out suv waiting for the traffic to move, while my driver, Eddie, groans in frustration "I'm sorry this is taking so long Jen, they should have cleared that accident up by now."

"It's okay, we'll just have to wait." I answered in a soft, nonchalant tone, avoiding the agitation I'm really feeling about the situation. We have been in this traffic for a good hour now, and it's ten am. I wanted to be at the hospital for Katie waking up in the morning so that she didn't feel lonely.
-time skip 10:45am-
I slowly push down the door handle, hoping that she's asleep. Once the door is ajar, I poke my head in. She's asleep. She must be a late sleeper like myself. Well, when I can have it. I make my way across the room slowly and ease my self down into the designated visitor chair. Once comfortable, I slip in my earphones drowning out everything in the world but this one room.

"Hey" I hear from the bed in a hoarse groggy voice with a small sniff at the end.

"Hey, how you feeling? The truth." I ask in a soft tone, with hopes of a good answer. In response she softly chuckles and answers, "Well, I'm still in pain, but it's dramatically decreased since last night so I'm feeling pretty good today, all thanks to painkillers." She laughs at the end.

"Yeah I guess so." I chuckle in response.

"So how long were you waiting for me to wake up?" She questions, eyeing my earphones.

"Oh not long. I got here at about a quarter to eleven and was pretty happy to see you asleep. You're a late sleeper, like me. There's another reason why we're perfect for each other." I chuckle.

"Yeah true, another bonding point." She smiles.

"Yeah" I grin looking her in the eyes.

"I noticed this before but we really do share a lot of similarities like same eyes, same hair color, same height and frame. It's kind of weird, we could be related for all we know, maybe there's something my parents aren't telling me." I laugh at the end.

"Yeah I've noticed that, too, it is weird, but yet again, another bonding point." She answers with a soft chuckle.

"I was just wondering, how did you manage to take such good care of yourself while living on the streets and how did you get money?" I question quizzically dreading the answer. Like, what if she stole money? She seemed slightly frightened to answer, but I gave her a reassuring squeeze of the hand and she answered.

"Well, I had my ways when it came to hygiene like for example I used to shower at the beach in a bikini. I used to be careful with my clothes so as not to dirty or rip them and I cleaned them at the dry cleaner once a week, but when it came to money, there wasn't many ways that could prevent me from being caught so I used to em... I used to fight for it in like a fight club. Where people bet on who would win and then I would get a portion of their winnings if I won, which I didn't do every time. That explains the nightmares I used to get, but I don't get them anymore. I think I'm like immune to them but yeah. That explains my strength and really rough and scarred up hands." She tells me while looking down with glassy eyes out of shame, her words are insane. She used to fight for money? How did she do that? Towards the end of the story, my eyes were slightly glassy too and my attention was drawn towards her hands. That were as she said 'really rough and scarred up'. In response, I just tightened my grip on her hand and rubbed circles on her hand with my thumb as an attempt of comforting, considering I was at a loss for words.

"It's okay Jen you don't have to feel sorry for me, I'm fine. I made it out in one piece, didn't I?" She questioned softly "Well two." She finished while chuckling and gesturing towards her legs that where bandaged from the knees down.

Once again at a loss for words I chuckled, sniffed and wiped away the tears that had made their salty way down my cheeks.

We are then interrupted by Dr.Fox entering the emotional mess of a room. "So how do you feel today?"he asked, while cutting the tension with a knife and being completely oblivious to my crying state, which Katie saved me from him becoming aware of. "A lot better than last night, but still some pain." She answered truthfully.

"Well good, so you are pretty much free to go, you just need to get changed, and fill out some forms. Which I'm sure miss Lawrence will do for you." He stated happily, while gesturing towards me who had gotten my emotions under control by then "And I will get you some crutches, adjust them to your preferred setting, and then give you your medication. Then you are free to go."  He finished rhyming off our to do list.

"Okay we will be sure to get all of that done." I answered in hopes that he would leave after. And thankfully he did, saying that he would return with Katie's crutches and medication shortly.

"Do you need help with getting changed?" I asked considering her condition.

"Ahh well I should be fine, but I will ask if I need any. I've got to learn how to become self sufficient in my condition, anyway, you won't be around all the time to help me." She stated trying to let me relax a bit.

"Okay, are you changing here then? Cause I brought you some loose pants so that they can fit around your casts. I figured you where my size so I brought you mine, we can get you some clothes when we get home." I state while handing her the black nylon track pants.

"Yeah I was going to, and thank you for the pants." She answered happily. And with that she slipped on the pants and unzipped the legs so that the casts where able to be seen. Then she slipped on the same grey top that she was wearing at the time, and then some blue and green Nike trainers that she got from her back pack. She then slipped in some black things to the shoes that I didn't really know what they where."What are those?" I asked, eyeing the black things she had in hand. "Oh they are my insoles, I have flat feet." She answered casually. She then realized she couldn't put shoes on so she opted for some socks and she was done. "What's that?" I ask stupidly "well you know the way your foot has an arch." She said while gesturing to her foot. "Mine doesn't, so I have to where these so that my feet can form an artificial one, that way my feet don't hurt." She explained to me smiling.

"Oh, okay em, I'm going to go and fill out your papers then we can go. Oh, and just saying, in order to avoid the paparazzi I have a car scheduled to pull up at the front of the hospital in about ten minutes time, so that we can avert they're attention and slip out the back into a different car." I state, informing her of the situation.

"Okay cool I'll see you in a minute." She answered while retrieving her bag and packing her few belongings and slipping on the same coat she was wearing at the time of the "accident".

After having filled out the paperwork, I came back to the room and helped Katie onto her crutches that Dr.Fox had dropped off while I was away, along with her medication which she had already stuffed into her tattered bag.

"Right are you okay to walk on your own? I'll take your bag." I questioned watching her every movement making sure she didn't fall over.

"Ah yeah I think I've got it. You lead the way." She answered with a very tiny amount of worry noticeable in her voice.

"Okay, let's go." I answered squeezing her upper arm and looking into her eyes.

In answer she nodded and we made our way out of the hospital with two of my security guards following our trail. Once out the back entrance, there was only about three paparazzi there which made things all the more agitating.

"Okay we did it." I stated once we had made it into the blacked out car.

"Yeah, that was a lot easier than I expected." She answered with a sly smile.

"You excited about getting home?" I questioned in a optimistic tone.

"Yeah... Yeah I really am." She answered as a smile grew bigger and bigger on her face as she reached the end of her answer.

A/N: what do you think do you like it?

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