Chapter 18

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Jen's POV

"Sorry." Katie speaks up from the passenger seat of my car.

"what for?" i question her confused as to why shes sorry, she did start a fight but im not annoyed at her for it, i know that she must have a good reason for it.

"For causing you to have to come get me and stuff." She sighs ashamed.

"hey, don't be sorry for that." i assure her and squeeze her forearm reassuringly.

"i was gonna come get you soon anyway." i assure her and glance at her making me notice some silent tears running down her face.

"why?" she questions me confused.

"because we have to fly to london for the premiere remember." i inform her.

"oh yeah."

"when's the flight?" she asks me.

"at about seven tonight but it's on a private plane so it will be slightly flexible." i sigh.

I'm not gonna lie i am a bit angry at her, but i cant get annoyed at her when she's like this. I don't know if i want to know what started the fight but i know i have to.

"What started it?" i sigh to her.

"she was taunting me and saying stuff that i wasn't letting her get away with plus if she did get away with it she would just treat me like dirt forever." She admits, trying to dodge the question of what the girl said.

"What did she say?" I question her.

"Stuff about you." she answers timidly. About me? This is exactly what i was worried about, Katie is so defensive about me that if anyone says anything she goes off on them.

"You should'nt listen to it, she's just trying to annoy you." I sigh answer her in a comforting tone.

"You're right." she sighs in defeat.

The rest of the car journey is silent until we get to the emergency room, a place that has become my second home.

"I don't think there's any papparazzi so i can help you in." i inform her, thinking back to the school when she had to walk on her own to the car which made my heart break, when she was bearly able to stand upright a few minutes before.

"Thank you." she thanks me in a genuine tone while glancing at me timidly.

"It's okay." i assure her and get out of the car so that i can help her out.

"What time is it?" she asks me as i fling her arm around my shoulders and help her out after having opened the car door.

"three thirty." i inform her as we walk towards the emergency room.

"are we not kinda tight for time?" she asks me.

"no they won't take long in here, i had one of my team phone ahead and tell the hospital about us coming in." i assure her as we walk through the slidling glass doors.

After the hospital

It took about an hour in the hospital. They x-rayed Katie's ribs and they said that two of her right ones where broken, they gave us some pain killers for her to take and put some bandage around it for support but it wasn't going to help that much. We are now just pulling into the driveway of my house and there isn't any papparazzi which is surprising.

"Need help?" i ask Katie after turning off the car.

"No thanks i'm fine now." she said and got out of the car carefully.

"What time do we need to leave?" she asks me as i unlock the front door.

"About six thirty and its about five now." I answer as we walk into the house.

"okay i'll finish packing and get changed." she sighed refering to the rip on her sleeve.

"i don't know how i got that but anyway." she shrugged and walked upstairs.

It's the nineteenth of december today so if we land in london at about three in the morning well actually like eleven in the morning there because of the time difference, it will be the twentieth when we get there and the premiere is on the twenty first, then we fly out immediatly after the premiere to Kentucky for christmas, but i haven't told Katie yet i was gonna keep it a surprise that we where going there.

"Pack warm clothes!" i shout up the stairs knowing how cold it is in london.

"noted." she yells back with a soft laugh.

"I have lived in colder parts of the UK!" she yelled again reminding me of where shes from.

"my bad!" i shout back and go over to wait for her on the couch.

I would love to see where she lived but there just isn't any time to do that any time soon, i'll have to bring her back there in the new year for a short break after the Passengers press considering i am only getting a week off for christmas then Katie is staying in Kentucky with my parents till i'm done which we have already discussed and she seems pretty happy about it.

I don't know if i'm gonna keep Katie in school after the fight but i don't want to be hasty, i know that she isn't very interested in school shes a lot like me she just wants out of it as fast as possible, she's mentioned about doing courses to do with video editing and things so i could get her into one of those but i'll have to think about that when everythings calmed down.

"Do you have the medication?" She shouts down to me, dragging me out of thought.

"Yeah they're in my handbag!" i assure her.

"thanks!" she shouts back and i hear the patter of her footsteps walking away.

I can think about the editing thing over the week break i have coming up and get some advice about it from a professional, it's not like i'm short of connections in this field i can speak to one of the post production editors for Passengers or something.

"You're gonna love your christmas present!" Katie shouts down to me, i can practically see the smirk on her face.

"oh will I?" i laugh back.

"Yep." she laughs and walks away again.

That reminds me about her present I have to deal with that too, I got her some video editing equiptment, the hunger games cast to sign some merchendise for her, amongst a few other gifts that she really will appreciate.

A/N: okay a bit of a crap chapter but i was just trying to straigten out the storyline and expand it a bit. How did you like it?

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