Chapter 75

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Katie's POV

Climbing out of my car and gathering the contracts for signing on with my rep from the passenger seat I look at the dark sky lit by star light, sighing tiredly as I walk across the driveway and up the steps to the front door.

Rummaging in my jean pocket for my keys I drag them out and unlock the door. Walking into the hall carrying the contracts with me I groan placing them on the bottom of the staircase.

I just want food and a bed right now, those two things would make my life so much better right now.

Finding my way to the kitchen I open the fridge and search for something easy to make.

"Where have you been all day?" Jen makes herself known in the doorway causing me to jump and hit my head off the top of the inside of the fridge.

"I think you may be trying to off me at this point. Don't sneak up on me like that," I stammer in surprise and rub the back of my head.

"Sorry," She laughs at me.

"Not funny," I counter and go back to looking in the fridge.

"Anyway you gonna answer my question?" She asks.

"Yeah. I went and got my car which cost me a nice sum of money," I scoff angrily and continue my story.

"Then I went to the optician and came out with two pairs of glasses cause apparently my sight is shit and I went to a meeting," I explain and by the end Jen is sitting on the island across from me.

"Long day then," She comments.

"Extremely," I sigh and grab a plastic container filled with fajitas.

"Anyone want this?" I hold it up without turning out of the fridge.

"No work away," She tells me and I nod setting about heating it.

"How did the meeting go?" She asks.

"Fine, it was long as hell but we pretty much sorted through everything. They just want me to be a little less outstanding," I quote outstanding to her.

"Outstanding?" She queries.

"Less of a media shit storm basically," I shrug and put the container in the microwave.

"Oh right," She nods.

After I'd heated it I sat down across from Jen and started to shovel it down me. I haven't had anything to eat since this morning so I'm pretty damn hungry.

"Where's Josh and all?" I ask.

"Josh is with Scarlett and my parents and brothers went back to their hotel, they're leaving tomorrow," She explains.

"What about Alex?" I question through a full mouth.

"She's been asleep for hours," She chuckles and I look down at my phone.

"Jesus," I comment looking at the time, 10:30pm.

"Yeah," She nods.

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" She asks me and I feel bed declining, we haven't done anything together in months and she has that hopeful look in her eyes which makes it all the more difficult to decline her offer.

"Sure," I smile.

Finishing off my food I go upstairs and get changed, on my way back down I run into Josh on the landing.

"When'd you get back?" He asks as I walk out of my room.

"Like ten minutes ago," I sigh and follow him downstairs.

"Right guys I'm gonna go, I'll come by tomorrow at some point," He calls as he walks out.

"Okay bye!" I can hear Jen call from the living room.

When I get to the living room I sit down in the couch and wait for Jen to pick a movie.

"What you wanna watch?" She asks.

"Your call," I hold a thumbs up to her and she looks back to the tv.

I think she settles on 21 jump street which in my opinion is a good call.

"This okay?" She asks and I just nod laying my head back on the couch.

Around half way through the movie I begin to think about whether or not Scarlett met Alex yet. She probably did and I'm an idiot for not getting back in time.

"Did Scarlett meet the wee tyrant yet?" I ask in curiosity.

"No actually, Scar was with Josh all day and when they got back she was already asleep," She tells me.

"When did they get back?" I ask.

"About two hours before you," She sighs and I can see she's tired.

"You wanna go to bed?" I ask her.

"No it's fine," She waves me off.

"Jen go to bed I can tell when you're tired," I chuckle and she just smiles faintly before doing as told.

"Can you get me up in the morning?" She asks me and I nod.

"Is Alex in her own room or yours?" I ask hoping she's in her own to prevent Jen waking up to her crying.

"Mine, why?" She queries.

"Put her in mine, you need your sleep," I order her and she tries to fight me.

"That's an order, now I'll help get her out," I nod towards the staircase and walk up with her trailing behind me.

"You could wake her up," She whispers and I shake my head walking into her room to find one of those cribs you can connect to your bed.

"Be careful," She whispers and I wave her off lifting up the crib with one hand at either end.

"Katie," She warns

In response I just mouth "shut up," to her and she relents as I carry the ticking time bomb from one room to the other.

"Gently," She whispers as I set down the crib.

I just look at her with my eyes narrowed in response, causing her to catch herself on some what.

She waves for me to follow her into the hall so I do so and speak to her outside the door to my room after closing it softly.

"What is it?" I ask her and she just hugs me.

"What's this?" I chuckle hugging her back as her hands move around my upper back.

"I missed you buddy," She mumbles into my shoulder and I sigh tightening my grip. I can tell she's referring to me being in New York without visits.

"I missed you too and I'm sorry I missed your birthday," I apologise feeling terrible for missing it in August.

"It's okay, you're here now," She replies.

"I got you a present but it's in New York," I sigh annoyed at myself for forgetting it.

"It's fine I'll get it when I get it," She let's the embrace go.

"All your built up hugging gone now," I grin crookedly and she just smiles nodding.

"Okay, G'night see you in the morning," I squeeze her shoulder.

"Night," She smiles softly and I just nod walking into my room.

She's definitely happier and it's great to see, she is tired but that will clear up soon. She will probably be sorted by tomorrow. Now for me to get to sleep and hope the little intruder beside my bed doesn't wake me up.

A/N: How was it??

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