Chapter 55

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Jen's POV

How the fuck have a managed this?? Great fucking timing Jen. Fucking spectacular.

Now I have to tell Darren. What will he think? He'll probably be pleased but I'm not ready to have my own child. I know what you're thinking. Scarlett's young and I've taken care of her but a baby is different. Another problem is the current situation I'm in. My daughter is in surgery and I don't know what's going to happen to her. I nearly died in the accident and let's not forget that my family doesn't know what's happening and that my other daughter can't be told what's going on.

My train of thought is interrupted when the door bursts open.

Laura comes into the room with Scar on her hip.

"What happened?" She asks with concern as she drags me into her embrace.

"Katie took her eyes of the road for a split second because I was shouting at her," I reply sorrowfully.

"Don't you blame yourself," She stares into my eyes.

I don't reply and drop my line of sight to the floor.

"Mommy, where's Katie?" Scarlett speaks up and I look up at her.

"She's sleeping," I lie. She doesn't need to worry.

"Here you go sit with Darren," Laura tells Scar and carries her out of the room and returns seconds later, sitting on the metal hospital table beside me.

She doesn't say anything and places her arm over my shoulders and I lean into her with my head on her shoulder.

"I'm pregnant," I whisper quietly.

"What?" She asks holding me by the shoulders.

"Seriously?" She mumbles and I nod.

"That's amazing!" She smiles and it quickly fades when she remembers my current predicament.

"Does Darren know?" She asks me.

"Not yet," I reply.

"How far along?" She asks me.

"I don't know," I mutter and lean back on her shoulder.

"It's not a bad thing ya know?" She tells me.

"I know it's just scary and I can't even be happy about it," I sigh tiredly.

"Of course you can. Katie would smack you if you weren't," She sniggers and I laugh slightly.

"You're right... She would," I mutter as a tear slides down my cheek.

"I'll go get Darren and you can tell him," She says and I grow panicked.

"No don't. Wait, I don't want to just yet," I tell her and she gets up from the table.

"Okay fine but you'll have to tell him eventually," She departs her obvious wisdom on me.

"I know," I mutter.

"It's just-" I'm cut off by the door opening and a doctor entering.

"The surgery was successful but Katie is in an induced coma until her back is healed enough to bring her out of it," He tells me.

"What's wrong with her back?" I ask him.

"It's broken," He replies and my eyes grow wide.

"How is that possible?" I ask him.

"Well the x-ray showed that the break is diagonal so my best guess is that it snapped when it hit the arm rest," He replies.

"Why would it snap on the arm rest? She was no where near it," I reply and he sighs.

"The footage of the crash shows differently," He tells me.

"What footage?" I ask him.

"The rental car had a camera mounted on the dashboard for insurance purposes," He explains.

"Can I see the footage?" I request and he nods then leaves returning with a tablet.

"Here," He hands the device to me and I play the footage.

It shows the car loosing control but then it shows something I didn't expect. Katie throws her body over the arm rest at me and shields my body with hers then you can see her get thrown back and her back hitting off the arm rest.

"When will her back be healed enough?" I ask him.

"About two weeks and then it's a further four week healing process for her leg," He tells me.

"Is her leg broken?" I ask.

"Yeah unfortunately," He frowns.

Thats the third time in the past six months. This is getting ridiculous.

"When can I see her?" I ask him.

"She's in recovery but now I guess," He smiles.

Laura and I follow him to the ICU where he leads us to Katie's room. Laura lets me go in by myself. Upon entry I'm greeted by Katie with a plastic tube in her mouth, a cast on her left leg and stitches above her right eyebrow along with a drip coming from her arm.

I sit down on he seat beside her bed and wrap my hand in hers. Her hand is loose in mine and she feels distant to me. She's right here beside me yet completely out of reach.

"How're you doin'?" I ask her even though she can't respond.

"I saw what you did... In the crash. You saved my life... again," I whisper to her.

"Not to mention someone else's life but I'll tell you about that when you wake up," I smile softly at her.

I continue to ramble on and talk to her like she can respond. She probably can hear me that's why I'm doing it. People in a coma can usually hear you but they just can't respond. I'm hoping that's the case with Katie.

I'll have to talk to my publicist about this. The press are gonna have a field day with all of this. The fucking cunts. I'm gonna focus on telling my family and Darren first. That's my priority for now.

To be honest I am scared of this. I don't want to have a child yet. I'm in he middle of my career. Although I do want a child just not now. Scarlett and Katie where perfect for me because they are old enough that they don't require constant attention. Katie practically takes care of herself and Scarlett is so well behaved that I don't need to worry about her.

I'm not ready but I am. If I'm anything, it's confused.

A/N: How was it??

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