Chapter 67

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Katie's POV

"Oh for the love of fuck," Jen groans angrily from beside me on the couch as she looks at her work phone.

"What now?" I ask her. We're having an hour or so of down time before we have to fly back to LA. We're both ready, I'm wearing the most casual clothes possible, some blue jeans and my thin black puffy coat. Jen has on sweats cause she doesn't have any shits to give. That should be her moto to be honest.

"Remember in Budapest a few months ago?" She asks me and j just nod in response.

She just looks down at her phone and I notice a video playing so I lean over it curiously.

"Oh fuck I remember that," I put my hands on my head and lean back with a massive embarrassed cringe on my face.

"Yeah well you're about to feel even more embarrassed," She sighs holding the phone back up to me.

"What?" I ask sitting forward and taking the phone from her.

"Someone recorded it and released it," She mumbles. I can tell she's not even angry she's just sad about it, I remember that night perfectly and it was the first time I've ever seen her really relax and let her guard down.

"Well I know for a fact you don't have to apologise you just have to clap back," I explain to her.

"I know that but how? Facebook?" She asks quizzically.

"I have another idea," I smirk at her and she narrows her eyebrows.

"And that is?" She asks.

"Record a video taking the piss out of that one?" I ask her.

She doesn't respond so I go on to explain it better.

"We can record it now even and just play the most strippery song there is," I explain and she laughs.

"Okay but what are we gonna do in the video?" She smirks.

"I can just sit in front of the camera and act like nothing's happening as I look at my phone and you can just attempt to dance in the background," I pitch the idea to her.

"Attempt?" She acts offended.

"Yeah. Attempt." I laugh at her.

"Go get the same outfit as you where wearing and I'll set all the shite up," I command her and she goes to get changed.

I get her phone and my bluetooth speaker. I select the song and connect the phone to the speaker while I wait for her.

The song:

She soon emerges from the bedroom with the same outfit including the blouse.

"Just leave the blouse," I laugh.

"I'm gonna rip it off, I fucked up the buttons anyway," She tells me and I nod.

"That's what I call commitment," I snigger and sit down at the desk that sits against the wall opposite the bottom of the bed.

"Okay just get on like dumb ass that happens to be a shit stripper," I direct her and she obliges.

"Don't I always?" She smirks smugly and I laugh slightly.

I press play on the song and wait for the best part to come up before recording.

Once I've pressed record the video is in production and I sit in front of my phone camera just to the right and look at Jen's work phone as though nothing's happening behind me when in reality Jen is pretty much re-enacting her previous moves just minus the falling over.

When the video is about twenty five seconds long I stop recording and hit playback to find Jen on all fours on the end of the bed doing as I said. Acting like a dumb ass that happens to be a shit stripper too.

"Jesus christ I don't even want to relive that let alone the original," Jen whines as she looks over my shoulder at the video playing on my phone.

In response I just laugh at her reaction.

"Just post it and think of a good caption," She instructs and I comply sitting down at the desk again and posting it on my public instagram with the caption: "It was acceptable in the 80's @radarnews #noshitstogive" I get Jen's approval on the caption which she laughs at due to the reference to Calvin Harris's song and the tagging of the tabloid that started all of this.

"Go post it," She pats my shoulder.

"And it's done," I tell her as I tap post.

"Goodbye career it's been fun," Jen waves at the wall and I laugh.

I get a text from Jen's publicist and I look at it worryingly before opening it.

"That video is genius!" She texts and I sigh with relief.

"Good to hear😉👹" I reply and set my phone down.

"Problem solved kinda," I shrug and and lean back in my chair.

"Just about," Jen mutters coming up behind me and running her hand through my hair rubbing it soothingly.

In reply to her action I crane my neck backwards and look up at her and she just smiles down at me.

"Happy or what?" I ask in a genuinely caring tone.

"I'm happy but also I don't know how to describe it... ugh! It's like I'm annoyed but I'm not," She groans.

"It'll be fine mate just wait it out," I nod to her as she continues to rub the back of my head.

"Yeah," She nods with the same smile as before.

"Come on let's get our shite together and catch this flight," I stand up and nod energetically even though I'm far from it, to be brutally honest I still feel like shit from the met gala.

"Okay," She smiles once again and I can tell there's some pain behind it and it's literally killing me to see her like this. She doesn't deserve this, she let down her guard for under a minute to have a bit of fun which she most definitely deserves, she is always entirely paranoid in public, she thinks I don't see it but it's actually all I see.

"Stop being all sad and give me a hug you silly bastard," I laugh awkwardly and grab her into my embrace. I can hear the fabric of my coat scrunching in her fists.

She doesn't deserve any of this and it enrages me.

A/N: How was it??

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