Chapter 61

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Katie's POV

I think my back may be trying to kill me I'm not too sure but one thing I know for sure is that the pain I'm experiencing is not bearable in any way.

I've been lying in bed all day panting from the pain. I haven't said to Jen, she doesn't need the worry. It's currently about 3pm so I've been lying here for about four hours straight, not moving, scared to move.

"Hiya Murph," Granny smiles as she enters the room and I force myself to sit up in the bed, just about managing to hide the pain I'm feeling.

"Hi," I sigh in return and she sits on the side of the bed.

"I've got some pain killers for you," She tells me as she opens her hand to reveal three small white tablets. Thank fuck I think to myself.

"Thanks," I smile in reply and take the pills from her and tossing them back as quickly as possible.

"You want to come down stairs?" She asks and I just nod and she tosses the bed sheet back helping me up.

"Where's Jen?" I breath as we walk out the bedroom door.

"Out back on the phone," She tells me and I just nod.

She helps me down to the living room where grandad sits watching tv on the far side of the sofa. I sit down with my broken leg up on the coffee table and my other on the ground. Scarlett sits on the ground playing with her toys and she doesn't really pay any attention to anyone else.

I can hear someone walk in from the kitchen behind me but I don't turn around I don't want to put any stress on my back.

"Hey douche bag," Jen says from the left of me.

I turn my head to look at her as if I'm not impressed and then look away but my eyes are drawn back when I see a small puppy on her arm.

"Care to explain?" I laugh at her and she sets the dog down on my lap.

"Hiya," I snigger at the small soft creature.

The Puppy:

"He's yours," She smiles and I just laugh

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"He's yours," She smiles and I just laugh.

"Fuck off no he's not," I laugh in disbelief.

"Yes he is, what you gonna call him?" She asks and I just look at her as if to say why the fuck you giving me a dog you crazy bitch.

"Who's gone crazy here? Me or you?" I ask and she just shrugs in reply.

"Seriously? Why did you get me him?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"You deserve him and he's ridiculously cute," She smiles and rubs the puppy's head.

I look down at Scarlett and she is just grinning up at me.

"Did you know about this?" I laugh at her.

"Yeah," She nods and I just laugh.

"I don't really know what to say," I mutter and look at Jen.

"Don't say anything," She smiles and I hold my arm up motioning for her to hug me.

"Thank you," I whisper into her shoulder and she just tightens her grip on me.

"What're you gonna call him?" She asks as she breaks the embrace.

"Something dumb," I laugh and start to rub his small head. He's terrified.

"Such as?" She asks and take a second to think.

"Kevin?" I ask and she sniggers.

"Kevin it is," She nods with a smile.

After I spent a bit of time with Kevin he began to relax and get used to me. Jen has been busy with some work on her computer so I just backed off and let her be. Scarlett has grown an obsession with Kevin and I'm pretty sure she wants him to be her dog.

"Okay melter time for bed," I sigh to Kevin in my lap as I scoop him onto my right arm and push myself up from the couch. Don't think the pain I was experiencing earlier has subsided its done anything but that, I'm just good at hiding it is all.

I hobble my way up the stairs in my support boot and back brace with a lot to do, I make it to my room and get into bed with Kevin on the other side of the double bed.

"Hey," I hear from behind me so I turn over onto my other side in the bed and see Jen walking in.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"Nothing just saying G'night is all," She replies and sits down on the side of the bed placing her hand on my stomach.

"You're a shite liar you know that?" I ask her and Kevin barks. It's the first time I've heard him bark and it's hilarious.

"I don't think he likes shite," I reply and look at him. He barks in return and Jen just giggles.

"Anyway. What's really up?" I ask her and she sighs.

"I'm scared as shit to tell Darren and Dad," She confesses with her eyes downcast.

"You don't have to tell them until you start showing," I tell her.

"I know but I'd feel bad lying," She replies.

"If you tell them I guarantee they'd be pleased but it's up to you when you tell them," I explain to her.

"Yeah I guess," She mutters and reaches her hand across me and starts to rub Kevin's snout.

"That reminds me. Get me to order him a dog bed tomorrow," She tells me and I nod.

"I'll talk to you about this tomorrow. I always bother you with my problems," She sighs and starts to push herself up.

In response I grab her wrist and pull her back down.

"You can bother me about it anytime because you're not bothering me and also they are our problems not just yours. We're in this shit together," I tell her in a serious tone and she just nods.

"Now go get yourself some sleep and o do not expect to see you awake before twelve tomorrow afternoon," I smile gently at her and she just nods and hugs me tightly and gets up going over to the light switch in the wall.

"See you in the morning trouble," She smiles.

"You too. Love you," I grin in return.

"Love you too," The corner of her lip turns up slightly into a crooked smile before she leaves and turns the light off in the process.

I can feel Kevin curl up on the bed beside me and I sigh in relief before closing my eyes and falling asleep. The pain has disappeared in the last half hour because I had some pain killers but it'll be back in the night.

A/N: Sorry for the shit chapter but I hope you guys like Kevin!😂 How was it?

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