Chapter 76

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Katie's POV

Luckily for Alex she didn't wake me up, cause I probably would have drop kicked her out the window and I don't know if I'm joking or not.

Getting out of bed and sorting myself out before looking in the crib anxiously in case she's awake. To my surprise she is and is just smiling to herself as she looks around her at the walls of the crib and the ceiling above us.

"So your eyes are green then," I smile down at her and reach my arms in under her scooping her up.

This is literally my first time seeing her eyes, she's always sleeping the lucky wee Bollocks.

"You might as well hibernate," I comment as I walk out of my room carrying her into her own so that I can get her changed.

After doing so I go into Jen's waking her up as she asked.

Walking in a whistle as loud as my lungs will allow me.

"Hey fuck face wake up," I command her and she opens her eyes looking at me angrily.

"Language," She scolds and I chuckle.

"She probably can't hear me you know. Babies are actually blind at this age," I explain to her and her eyes go wide.

"Don't worry it's normal, soon she'll be able to make out shapes and then her parents," I continue to explain it in hopes she won't get worried.

"You need to learn what to tell me and what not to," She comments as I sit down letting her take Alex from me.

"Hi," She grins down at Alex and I just smile at them before standing up and walking into Jen's bathroom.

"Liam is coming over today along with Josh and everyone," She calls into me and I walk back in leaning on the door frame.

"Sexy Australian man is coming over?" I query as I look at her bouncing Alex in her lap.

"Yeah he is," She sniggers.

"That's very good news," I smirk and walk back into the bathroom inspecting an annoying pimple on my forehead.

"Don't pick at it," Jen calls in knowing what I'm doing.

"I wasn't gonna," I answer defensively. I was going to but I won't, I know I shouldn't I just have no self restraint.

"Seriously," She calls again as I keep looking at it wanting to rid it from my skin.

"Fine," I groan walking back in and falling forward onto the bed.

"You have anything you need to do today?" She asks me as I sigh dramatically into the bed sheets.

"I don't think so," I reply turning over onto my back.

"Your back okay?" She questions.

"Yeah it's fine," I nod taking Alex's hand in mine looking at how tiny it is.

"They're like paws," I chuckle looking at Alex with a grin as she looks around in confusion.

"Little puppy paws," Jen comments and takes Alex's other hand in here as she keeps her other arm wrapped around her protectively.

"Did she wake you up?" Jen questions with worry.

"No the wee tyrant kept quiet," I smile to myself.

"She's really quiet its weird," She replies.

"I thought she'd be dramatic as fuck considering who her mother is," I grin cheekily and sit up.

"Shut up," She sniggers to herself.

"Rather not," I comment and stand up.

"Right I'm gonna go get changed for the beautiful Australian arriving," I smile smugly and turn to walk out but am met by a little face edging through the doorway.

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