Chapter 78

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Jen's POV

I'm flying home with Alex and Scarlett for Christmas and Katie is meeting us there. She had to go back to New York for a month so she's done now and is flying in tomorrow. She seems completely resentful towards editing now as she's had to be away for so long thanks to it but her determination is what's dragging her through it.

She's had Kevin with her the whole time and Scarlett has been strongly jealous of her and that's what's motivated my Christmas present for Scar.

By the time we're at my parents house it's late and I don't want any part on conversation with anyone. Putting Alex to bed and sharing a bed with Scar, she nestles into my side and I smile down at her as I rub her back soothingly.

"Mommy?" She murmurs.

"Yeah Bug?" I whisper back.

"Where's Darren?" She blind sides me with the question. I haven't mentioned Darren once since Alex was born. I've avoided his name all together especially in Katie's presence as she'd usually get an angry air about her due to what he did.

"You won't see him again Scar," I tell the truth not wanting to lie.

"Why? I liked him," She tells me and I can feel guilt naw against me and fight the sadness up to the surface from where I've hidden it down deep within.

"You just won't. Don't worry about it Bug. You've got me and Katie and Alex and everyone else," I tickle her chest trying to avert her attention from Darren. She begins to giggle and it washes away my sadness bringing a smile to my face.

"Get some sleep now Scar," I tell her and she nods into me as her giggling fades.

Katie's POV

Slithering in under the bed covers I don't plan on getting out from their warmth for at least eight hours. I've just gotten to Kentucky and chose just to let myself in and not wake anyone up, what's the point, I'd rather not converse with anyone till I'm of sound mind.

By the time the sun is flooding in, I ignore it turning over and putting a pillow over my head, showing no interest in getting up. Annoyingly the bedroom door opens and in comes footsteps that cause Kevin to start barking.

"Kev shut the fuck up or I'm gonna rip your vocal cords out," I warn him in a gruff and mildly angered voice. He doesn't bark further making me sigh in a satisfied manner.

The footsteps stop and someone sits on the side of the bed and I know who it is. I'm gonna kill her I smirk sarcastically under my pillow.

"What is it fuck head?" I groan into the fibres of the pillow.

"Nice to know I've been sorely missed," Jen comments and I turn onto my back pulling the pillow off my face.

"You've been missed but I still want to kill you," I stare at her with an unimpressed expression and she laughs.

"You okay?" I notice her mildly off mannerisms.

"Yeah," She nods with a faint smile and I don't press further, I'm too tired to do so.

"Well why aren't you in bed?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Alex spent some time terrorising me," She tells me and I chuckle.

"Well go to bed now then," I study her expression finding multiple red flags but I don't plan on bringing them up now.

"I'm going to. I just heard you come in and wanted to see you before you went to sleep for the guts of a day," She laughs lightly and I sit up giving her my full attention.

"So basically you wanted a hug," I smirk trying to annoy her and she chuckles giving in.

"Yes now give me one you prick," She grabs onto me dragging me into her. My limbs are still tired so I can't use my full strength to embrace her but I do the best I can given the circumstances.

"All good now?" I query into her shoulder and she nods not letting go.

"You know I'll still be here later when you get up," I snigger and she tightens her grip in response.

"I'll probably be in this bed for the rest of the day if I don't sleep soon," I comment getting her to laugh lightly into my shoulder.

She soon leaves the embrace and I keep my hands on her shoulders telling her what she's to do.

"Go to bed Jen," I smile softly at her and she nods following my orders. I can tell she needs it, she usually does need it from bodily exhaustion but this time it's emotional and I'll need to find out why she's like this, but the best time to do that is when she's gotten some sleep, she'll be easier to talk to then.

I'll talk to her later when I'm not about to topple over, my eyelids feel hazy and my head feels weighted so I'll take those as a sign to curl in under the covers and disappear from the world for a few reasonable hours of sleep.

A/N: First update in I don't know how long. I'm really sorry guys, I've had a lot going on and haven't been able to juggle Wattpad like I used to. Should I continue this story? It feels like it's at it's end.

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