Chapter 59

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Jen's POV

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her.

"People in a coma aren't deaf," Katie smiles at me.

"You've known the whole time?" I stutter in surprise.

"More or less," She smiles.

"When did it happen?" She asks me.

"I think in Budapest. You know the night you put me to bed," I explain to her shamefully.

"Ah right I would have guessed that. Darren was drunk too wasn't he?" She asks for confirmation.

"Yeah we were both out of it," I sigh back.

"It's not a bad thing Jen," She looks into my eyes genuinely.

I keep my eyes downcast looking at the bed sheets.

"I know that," I mutter back.

"That's really convincing," She counters and crosses her arms then winces.

"What's wrong?" I ask urgently with alarm in my tone.

"My back," She hisses in pain and shuffles in her spot sitting up in the bed in an attempt to sit more comfortably.

"It's broken," I tell her with pity in my expression and she looks up at me with shock and fear in her eyes.

"It's fine it'll heal up in ten weeks and be good as new," I assure her and her lip quivers slightly.

She doesn't respond and looks down into her lap.

"I take it my leg is fucked too then?" She asks and looks up at me.

"It was lodged in between the dash and your seat. That's why they had to cut you out of the car," I explain to her and she nods slowly.

She keeps silent for a few seconds before breaking it with a new topic of conversation.

"How's Scarlett? Have you told her?" She asks and I look at her with a sympathetic look in my eyes before answering.

"She's good. I haven't told her, only you and Laura know," I confess to her and rub her hand.

"Gonna have to tell her soon," She responds.

"I know," I sigh back and look down.

More silence fills the air and neither of us make an effort to break it. She's processing a lot right now I'm not going to speak unless she wants me to.

"The blue eyed girl sees again!" My mom squeals happily in her strong Kentucky accent when she enters the room.

"I have blue eyes too," I pout sarcastically.

"Not as blue as hers. Hers are blue as the prairie sky," Mom grins and both Katie and I laugh at her enthusiasm.

"How you feelin?" Mom asks her.

"Okay, pretty sore," She sighs back and shuffles in her place again.

"Oh sweetie," Mom strokes the back of Katie's head with a smile.

"It's fine like I can handle it," Katie sniggers and I can see a small squint of pain in her eyes that my mom doesn't notice.

"I'll go tell the doctor you're up," I tell her and she nods.

I can hear my Mom start telling Katie loads of crap about recent events that I'm sure Katie doesn't care about but in her mannerly nature she nods along and joins the conversation.

When I arrive back with the doctor the situation hasn't changed and Katie continues to nod along.

"Mom," I warn her and she puts her hands up in surrender and sits down.

"I'm doctor Scolds," The doctor shakes Katie's hand.

"Yeah I remember you," She nods.

"From?" He questions and I look at her in confusion.

"You're the doctor I got a few months ago back in September for my nose and ribs," She responds.

"Oh right well a lot of faces come through here so it's unlikely I would remember," He tells her and she nods. She's right though it is the same guy that treated her after the robbery. It's weird how she can remember these things.

"Anyhow. Your back is broken and your left leg is too. You will be back to normal in about ten weeks but I can't guarantee your back a pain free future," He explains to her.

"What do you mean pain free? Will she have back problems?" I look at him with my eyebrows knitted together in worry.

"Yes most likely," He tells me.

"Is there anything you can do to treat it?" I ask him in a quick erratic tone.

"Yes there are many treatments but none will be very effective with this type of break," He replies in the same bland tone he's had since he's been in here. It's really beginning to irritate me, he's treating this like it's nothing. Katie may be affected for the rest of her life by this and he could care less.

"There must be something you people can do?? Do you even care? This is important!" I rise from my chair in anger.

"Honey relax," Mom tells me and I ignore her.

"Miss Lawrence please lower your voice," He holds his hand out in front of him and I ignore his request.

"There must be something you can do? She doesn't deserve this," I spit through gritted teeth at him.

"Jen!" Katie yells at me angrily and I turn to look at her.

"What?!" I yell at her and catch eyes with her suddenly I feel bad for shouting at her as I stare into her worried eyes. Now I know she isn't angry she's just worried about me.

"Relax don't stress yourself out over pointless stuff-" She explains but I cut her off.

"Pointless?? It's very-" I raise my voice again but she silences me.

"Jennifer!" She snaps at me and that's when I know she's getting angry she never calls me that.

"You can go," My mom tells the doctor and he slips out as I sit back down.

"That was dramatic," Katie sighs and I begin to laugh.

What the fuck is wrong with my emotions??

"What was that all about?" Mom asks me as she looks between Katie and I for a explanation.

"Hey no no it's not my news it's yours," Katie holds her hands up to show she's not getting involved with her goofy grin.

Now's to tell my mom about the newest development in my life and health status.

A/N: How was it??

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