Chapter 105

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Katie's POV

I feel like dog shite. Absolute and total shite. I can't sleep anymore and it's the early hours of the morning so I'm totally screwed as I lay here with Sophie curled into my side.

Carefully wiggling myself free from her grasp I get out of bed and go downstairs and out onto the patio where I look underneath my usual plant pot and pull out my carton of cigarettes.

Yeah, yeah I know I shouldn't be but I need to, it's something to sustain me while I get off the drugs.

"Need a lighter?" I jump out of my skin at the sound of Piper's voice.

"I wasn't go-" She stops me by throwing me the lighter and laughing.

"I know the struggle, spare me," She shakes her head with a smile as I sit down across from her at the patio table.

Putting a cigarette in my mouth I light it and smile softly as I take a deep inhale.

"Don't get too used to this, I'm only condoning this until you're clean and can stand it," She warns me.

"I know, I'm stopping the cigarettes after I'm clean, don't worry," I nod to her.

"Does Jen know about the cigarettes?" She questions me.

"No but she can't talk, she does it socially sometimes," I tell her.

"Yeah but she doesn't want you making the same mistakes as her. But I guess we're wayyy past that stage now," She comments and I sigh.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. Right now you need to focus on yourself and on getting sober," Piper explains with a smile.

"I am sober I just need to be able to cope," I admit looking down as I take another excessive drag.

"Yeah I know," She tells me.

"Does Jen know that you smoke?" I direct the question at Piper and she sighs looking down.

"I had stopped for a few years but I gave in cause of all of this stress lately. She knows but she doesn't like it" She explains vulnerably.

"What? Since you started dating Jen?" I question the time line and whether the relationship is good for Piper.

"Yeah," She hangs her head low as she rubs the back of her neck.

"Is it-" I'm cut off by Jen opening the back door.

Throwing the cigarette to the ground in fear I stomp it out with my bare foot without realising and control the pain in my expression.

"What're you two doing out here?" She asks as she walks out and sits down on Piper's knee as she hugs her hoodie close to her chest.

"I couldn't sleep," I cover for myself.

"Where's Sophie?" She asks me.

"She's asleep, I was careful not to wake her," I nod before standing up.

"I'm gonna go back to bed but I'll see you guys in the morning," I walk over and kiss Jen on the cheek before making my way back inside and up to bed.

Getting back in under the covers I smile slightly as Sophie moves back into me as she sleeps.

"You need to stop doing that," Sophie murmurs and I jolt in surprise causing her to grab my chest to calm me.

"Stop what?" I relax myself.

"Smoking," She replies.

"I'm sorry," I admit and she sighs sitting up and placing both her hands on my chest for support as she looks down at me and into my eyes.

"I know you are but I'd rather you'd just listen than keep it up and keep having to apologise," She explains and I smile sadly and take her hands in mine.

"I'll stop tomorrow," I tell her solemnly.

"You promise?" She asks fighting down a smile.

"Yeah. I promise," I nod with a grin caused by the fact that I've just made her happy.

In response she nuzzles back into my side and kisses my jawline before laying her head on my shoulder.

"I quite like it when you do that, not gonna lie," I chuckle quietly.

In response she tilts her lips towards my jaw again and pecks it softly before beginning to get carried away.

Hearing a soft knock on my door I groan and get up out of bed. Walking over to the door I open it and am met by Jen with Scarlett on her hip.

"What's up?" I rub my neck nervously.

"What's that?" She smirks slightly looking at my neck and I move my hand to cover what I presume is a hickey.

"Nothing. What you need?" I sweep the topic aside.

Chuckling lightly she thinks of her words.

"Scar thought you two were arguing earlier and was scared that you hadn't made up yet," She explains.

"Arguing?" I question.

"She heard Sophie shouting yes a lot," Jen smirks and I can't help but to go bright red out of embarrassment.

"Oh right no we weren't arguing Scar. We just like to agree with each other a lot," I glare at Jen  awkwardly.

"Okay," Scar nods timidly.

I don't wanna offer this but I feel bad and I see no other option to cheer her up.

"Do you wanna sleep in here?" I ask her and she smiles slightly making me grin.

"Come on," I take her from Jen.

"I'll talk to you in the morning Jen. Now you and Piper can go and "agree"," I smirk and she goes red making me chuckle and close the door.

Walking over to my bed I let Scarlett take the space in the middle of us which I'm not thrilled about but anything for her.

After Scar had settled into a peaceful sleep Sophie opened up a new conversation.

"You're good with her," She comments and I can hear the smile in her voice.

"That's good I guess," I reply with a small smile at her observation.

"Might pay off in the future," She adds on and I smirk.

"Oh will it now?" I turn over onto my side to face her and she does the same.

"Yeah," She smiles at me.

"How so?" I ask her even though I know what the answer will be.

"Wellllll if we were to have a family," She tells me timidly and I smile reaching my arm over a sleeping Scarlett and rubbing Sophie's shoulder.

"Sounds good to me," I wink at her and she giggles making me smile crookedly.

It really really does sound good to me to be honest.

A/N: Sorry for the slow update but how was it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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