Chapter 17

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2 Months later (december)

Jens POV

"hello?" I ask into my phone.

"Hello Miss.Lawrence?" the women on the other end asks.

"this is she." i respond confused.

"There's been a confrontation between your daughter and another student, we would appreciate if you could come in and speak to the principle." she answers back in a professional tone.

"yeah i will be there soon. if i may ask what type of confrontation was it?" i ask her concerned as i grab my car keys and walk out the front door of my house.

"A physical fight." she sighs back.

"okay. i will be there soon." i respond in as calm a tone as i can muster, then hang up and get into the car and start towards Katie's school.

Why was she in a fight? i ask myself surprised at her. Sure she has only been there for a week and is essentialy a famous kid but why would she get into a fight what could it possibly be over? Oh god what if someone recorded it, it would go viral in minutes and would be a media shit storm. She was in a really good mood this morning and lastnight because i told her i was gonna adopt another younger child because i loved how much i've helped Katie that i thought i would do it for another and quite frankly i would love to raise a younger child and Katie told me last night after i told her that she would love to have a younger sibling, which is great cause then she can help me. This is not like her unless she didn't start it, what if she's hurt? countless questions are running around my head as i pull into the school car park where as i expected there is plenty of papparazzi here to capture the moment. I deal with the papparazzi the same way i always do which is ignore them and walk on, once i'm through the front doors i keep walking through the empty hall ways until i come to the principles office. Outside it i see two chairs in one sits Katie holding a bloody paper towel to her nose, there is a rip on the sleeve of her jacket and she seems to be clutching her ribs tightly, they weren't fully healed from the robbery and now this persons gone and hit her there. I can't get a view of the other person from where i am but i will soon.

Katie quickly looks up when she hears the sound of my heals coming up the hallway, when she does she winces in pain and tightens her grip on her ribs.

"Are you okay?" i question her in a concerned tone as i hug her quickly, a hug she can't return.

"terrific." she sighs in a hoarse voice.

The person beside her must be the one she fought with so i just ignore them and don't make any sort of eye contact.

"okay explain." i command and crouch down in front of her, clutching her arms.

"well I-" she begins but is interupted by the office door opening.

"Miss.Lawrence you may come in." Principle hothle states to me with a sigh and looks down at Katie in the chair with disgust in his eyes.

In response i place my hand on Katies shoulder and squeeze it reasuringly which she returns by placing her hand on it and rubbing mine, i then release her shoulder and walk into the office briskly past him.

Katie's POV

The pain i'm feeling in my ribs is unbearable and my nose isn't much better. Honestly i bearly even know how the fight happened because it all happened so fast. The first thing that happened was whoever she, she was taunting me and bad mouthing Jen which i wasn't gonna have, i don't even know the girls name but i wasn't gonna let her stand around and talk about Jen like that when she is the person who saved me and took me in, i was defending her because of that and the fact that she has to put up with this all the time and if i could stop one mouth from doing it, i was going to.

I sit there beside the little shit that did it and clutch my ribs as tight as possible and i can feel hot silent tears running down my face from the pain. I don't want Jen to see me like this but i can't hold it together at this point. During the fight that i'm sure i won, i pushed her to start it then she came back with a punch to the face that took me by surprise causing me to fall over on the ground and stand on all fours for a moment contemplating the situation when she took a clear and hard shot with her foot at my ribs where upon contact i felt a break and the sound of a crack sore through the air. She quickly backed off a bit with a flash of worry going across her face which was quickly replaced with a hard, ammused expression. when i got up she stood there smuggly with her arms folded, at this point loads of other people had gathered around us and where watching, thankfully no one was recording it. I quickly gained my composure, ignored the pain growing in my side and kicked her between the legs and believe me it hurts just as much for girls, then because of her state of surprise i took it to my advantage and stomped on her foot as hard as possible then punched her square in the jaw, at that point it was easy to see the fight was over but we where broken apart anyway by her friends and some of the people i had met that i wasn't sure what to call them yet. When my "friends" pulled me away they where asking me if i was okay and one of them helped me to the nurses office where i was then directed away from and sent to the principles office, that i was helped to by the same girl who helped me to the nurses, she is called Jennifer, i would consider her the nicest person out of the small group i was involved in.

I'm dragged out of thought when Jen comes out of the office and helps me up.

"We're going to the hospital." she states and looks at the girl i fought with, with disgust drawn out on her face clear as day, as she helps me up. In return the girl just looks down into her lap timidly.

"Thats not necessary." i say though gritted teeth, trying to fight off the pain.

"Yes it is. You're ribs are'nt healed yet from the robbery and they certainly aren't now." Jen stated, emphasizing the part about my ribs not being healed.

In response i'm just quite and i attempt to walk without wincing from the pain dragging its way through me. I should'nt have tried it because i ended up on all fours again clutching my stomach with Jen by my side worrying like always.

"Oh my god, Katie. No you're not." she stated with concern in her voice and her hand on my back.

"Come on." she comanded and helped me up, flinging my left arm aound her shoulders and her right arm around my side for support. We then made our way out of the school which was another challange because the papparazzi where there and i had to walk out without Jen's support so as not to draw any attention to us, the support which i really needed. When we got to the car we got in and out of the school grounds as fast as possible while Jen drove i focused on the pain consuming my ribs and allowed the hot tears i was holding in flow down my face in silence.

A/N: Two updates in one day! What do you think of this one???

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