Chapter 47

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Scarlett's POV (This is my second chapter in her POV I'm surprised I haven't done it more often. It's quite interesting writing in a child's POV)

After the movie I slept in bed with Mommy and Katie. Katie had fallen asleep so she slept with us. Mommy fell asleep after the movie and I have tried but my ears are hurting me. I don't know what's wrong with them but I'm getting scared.

I curl into Mommy's side, trying to find comfort in her warmth but I don't find any.

My ears begin to feel worse and I feel really hot so I sit up in the bed.

I don't want to wake up Mommy so I wake up Katie. I shake her shoulder. She groans and rolls away from me but little does she know that there's no more bed where she is going and she rolls onto the floor with a huge thud and she yells some bad words I'm not aloud to say.

Mommy wakes up to the sound and looks at me sitting up in he bed and gets a worried look.

"what's wrong Bug?" She asks me and pulls me into her lap for a hug.

"You're really hot," She tells me and feels my forehead.

"Hotter than before," Mommy adds.

She then notices Katie on the floor and laughs softly.

"Jen it's not funny I think I've broke my arm or something," Katie shouts at her with a small laugh and then hisses in pain.

"Oh uh, seriously?" Mommy asks her and puts me down on the bed getting out of bed kneeling beside Katie who is now sitting up on the floor.

"Yeah seriously," Katie shoots back and I begin feeling sad that I woke her up.

"Sawwy," I tell her with tears in my eyes and she looks up at me.

"Why?" Mommy and her ask me.

"I woke you up," I cry softly but I'm not crying from feeling bad, it's my ears.

"It's not your fault. Don't cry," Mommy says and Katie nods.

"That not why," I stutter back.

"Why then?" Mommy asks getting up and sitting beside me with her hand on my shoulder.

"My ears hurt," I tell her.

"Looks like we're going to the hospital no matter what now," Katie says and Mommy looks at me sadly.

"Yeah I guess so," She sighs.

"You're driving," Katie says to Mommy.

"You don't say?" Mommy replies and Katie sniggers and then cringes in pain as she clutches her left arm with her right hand.

Mommy quickly gets changed and helps Katie change her pyjama bottoms into some black track suit bottoms.

"You feeling any better sweetie?" Mommy asks me and I shake my head sadly. She picks me up and carries me to the car and Katie gets in the front beside Mommy.

"It's only like five thirty," I hear Katie groan in the front.

"I know," Mommy mutters back.

I can't help but feel bad that because of me, Mommy has to get up and take me to the hospital and Katie might have a broken arm.

We get to the hospital and Katie, Mommy and I walk in stopping at the entrance.

"You go sort her out i'll handle myself," Katie tells Mommy and Mommy nods and quickly takes me to the doctor. I don't listen to what Mommy says to the doctor I just cry softly into her shoulder with my thumb in my mouth, my ears have gotten worse and I feel hotter than when we left the house.

"It'll be ok Bug, we just need to follow the doctors orders," Mommy tells me after we leave the doctors room.

My ears feel less stuffy now because the doctor put some stuff in them and did some other stuff to make me fell better. I didn't really pay attention.

"Thank you Mommy," I mutter into her shoulder.

"It's ok baby," Mommy tells me and tightens her grip around me.

"How long do we have to wait?" I ask her.

"Just for Katie to get back," She whispers soothingly and I begin to drift off to sleep in her arms.

Sorry that Scars POV wasn't very good. I don't feel very confident writing in a child's POV. Sorry for the crap descriptions too, I was trying to use simple language because kids would only know that.

Katie's POV

Well my arm wasn't broken, it was dislocated which was not fun to endure because the mother fucker of a doctor I got had to push my shoulder back into place. I nearly crushed he metal table I was sitting on between my hands when he was doing it.

I just left and have just walked into the kids wing where Jen stands in the corridor with Scarlett asleep on her hip.

"Hi," I greet her as I approach her with my sling on show.

"It broken?" She whispers and I shake my head.

"No just dislocated," I reply.

"Gonna have to wear this for a few days and it should be fine," I tell her and we walk out to the car. The sun is rising on the parking lot so I'm guessing it's about seven thirty by now.

"How's this one?" I ask referring to Scar as Jen puts her in her car seat.

"She's got the cold and a double ear infection that should clear up in the next week if we give her the right medication for it.

"Not too bad, could've been a lot worse," I reply and she walks round the car and gets into her side as I get in mine.

"Yeah true. It's just a relief to know what's wrong now," Jen sighs and pulls out of the parking space.

"Yeah I get ya," I nod.

Fucking great. I can't tell Jen yet. Maybe I can but I'm just making stupid fucking excuses to myself, justifying not telling her. Just grow a set I think to myself. Tell her. She deserves to know. I'll tell her later. No backing down this time. I'm not doing it. I don't give a shit what happens. I'm telling her.

A/N: Kind of a filler and yes I know that some of the medical facts are probably wrong but fuck it. How was it anyway?

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