Golden Eyes

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A/N: Honest opinion first person or third? What's better?
(Mihawk x Reader)

I pulled on my gold hood walking into town. People looked at me out of fear. You see I was a woman to be feared. I kill without hesitation. No one has shown me an act of kindness since. Nor do they know my real identity. I wore black skinny jeans with a bikini top and black gloves. Along with a cloak like shall. But on one hand I had golden claws sharp as they come. My face was covered by a cat skull mask. I hummed a soft tune as my heels tapped up the steps of the mayors office. My hands curled around the handles and pulled open the door. I stepped inside having the people inside turn to me. They gasped as the mayor stood up.

"Wh-what do you want?!" He cried.

"A ship. Build me one." I said.

My golden eyes flicked to the little girl cowering by the mayor. I looked back to him.

"Do it or I'll kill her." I said.

He gulped as I twisted my foot and teleported behind him. I scooped up the girl and put her on my hip. I twisted my foot and teleported outside. The girl was trembling in my grip as I held her. The mayor came out a moment later telling people to make a ship for me pronto. The people scrambled to get ready. I snapped at the mayor. He scampered up to me.


"Bring me a chair. I tire of standing." I said.

"Yes right away."

I snapped at him before he could get all the way up the stairs.

"Bring me the fanciest chair." I said.

"Of course."

I set the little girl down and patted her head.

"Don't move until I tell you to."

She nodded, as my hand resided on her head. A chair was brought out to me as I sat in it. The girl sat in my lap as my legs were thrown over the arm of the chair. I twirled with the girls hair waiting.

"I don't have all day." I barked.

"Or do you?"

I perked up to the unfamiliar voice. The workers stopped and started to cheer. I groaned tossing the girl up in the air before teleporting up with her. The chair was split in two as he stood. I caught the girl and put her on my hip and stepped down on the ground. He sheathed his blade as I pursed my lips. His golden eyes met mine as I stood holding the girl.

"How dare you, you almost killed a child." I said.

"Knowing you, I knew you wouldn't let harm come to a child." He said.

The girl turned to me as I glared at him. People cheered for him as he tilted up his hat. His golden hawk eyes bore into my own.

"Hawkeyes." I grumbled.

"Cat burglar." He said.

I set the girl down as she looked up at me.

"You can go. I have other business to do." I said.

She nodded going off to her father. I twisted my foot and stood behind Hawkeyes. Adjusting his necklace on my chest. He turned to me as I turned to him.

"Catch me if you can." I winked.

I teleported outside of town and ran into the forest. Climbing a tree and perching there. I waited as he dashed in.

"Where are you?! You stupid cat!" He barked.

"You should of gotten rid of this thing years ago." I said.

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