Red and White

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(Akainu x Reader)
A/N: Sorry this one isn't as good.

"The white marine?" Akainu asked.

Sengoku nodded, "She will be working under you. She is a woman of loyalty, trust, and a very hard worker. She's been with us for years. She ranks between a vice admiral and an admiral. The white rank. The one and only of her kind. I trust she will be safe under your care."

The door was knocked on as the two men turned to the door.

"Come in."

The door opened as you walked in. You wore a cape of white with a gold chain on your coat. Your hair was pinned up into a bun. But you wore a white mask on your face keeping your identity a secret. Sengoku stood along with Akainu as they turned to you.

"You called for me Sengoku?" You asked.

"Yes, I've put you under an admiral. Sakazuki here will have you under his fleet." Sengoku said.

You turned to him, "Admiral Akainu, it's an honor to be working with and under your name."

"It will be a privilege." He said.

He held his hand out to you, you took it and shook his hand. But to your surprise he took your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckle.

"I look forward to working with you." He said.

You smiled, "As do I."

It's been about a week now.

You held close a book in your hands as you existed your room. You glanced around before darting off down the hall. Holding the book in your hands and not watching where your going. Where you ran into a broad back having you stumble back onto the ground. Your hair fell in front of your face as your mask skid across the floor. You pursed your lips clutching the book keeping your hair in front of your face. You noticed a hand holding out your mask. You glanced to it before looking up to him. Your hair fell back having Akainu see your true face. Snapping your mask you took it before placing back on your face. Then you darted off leaving the admiral behind.

So. He followed after you.

He kept a good distance while you snuck out of the base and out to the town. He watched as you went to a library turning in that book and coming out with another. He furrowed and watched you walk away before he headed in himself. The clerk perked up and smiled softly.

"Oh. Admiral Akainu what do I owe the honor?" A woman asked.

"What book did that woman turn in?" He asked.

The woman furrowed, "Why do you want to know?"

"I. I'm curious about the book."

Her eyes brightened, "You like her. Don't you?"

"No. She's my subordina-"

"I'll tell her your following her."

His face furrowed as he clutched his fists, "Fine, yes I think she's very. Unique."

She pulled out a white thick book and handed it to Akainu.

"I would talk to her more. She might like you too."

Akainu nodded taking the book and headed back to the base.

You headed to your room after a small shopping spree. When you came back to your room. Your eyes widened to the small bouquet of flowers on your bed. You shut your door and walked over to them. You smiled putting them in some water. Then noticed a note in the bunch.

You plucked the letter from its place and opened it. Your heart sank seeing.

'In my office.' Akainu.

You swallowed thickly leaving your room and headed to his office. Where you stood before his door and clutched your fists. You reached up knocking on the door earning a gruff "Come in."
Pushing open the door Akainu sat with the back of the chair to you. You shut the door with your back and watched him light up a cigar. Then took a seat before him.

"You wanted to see me sir?" You asked.

"Don't call me that." He hissed, "Take that shit off your face."

"What's going on I shou-"

"Take it off."

You frowned reaching up and plucking your mask from your face then tossed it on his desk.

"There. Now what is going on?" You asked.

"We're in a predicament." He stated. 

"How so?" You asked.

He turned to you placing the book on the desk. Your eyes widened and clutched your knees.

"Where did you ge-"

"I believe you shouldn't be a marine."

You turned away crossing your arms, "It was a dumb idea I shouldn't of turned-"

"You should be a writer. This book is amazing."

You glanced up to him, "What?"

"You heard me."

You smiled softly tucking a strand of hair away.

"What's the predicament?"

He sighed puffing out smoke and rested back on his chair.

"I will do something for you, if you do something for me."

"I'm not into that."

"Become my wife, and I will send this to a publisher I know in the north blue."

Your eyes widened, "Wife? I."

"You have time to think about it."

You slammed your hands on the desk and grinned.

"I'll do it."

So. Within that month you were wed and your book was sent across the sea. While you woke up beside Akainu every morning. You quit being a marine and started being a house wife and writing more.

You sat back away from your book and looked to the magma rock on your finger. You smiled when a kiss was placed on your cheek.

"How's the writing coming along?" Akainu asked.

You turned to him, "Very well. How was your day? Did you work hard?"

Before you could answer he saw your face twist into a smirk.

"Cause I have an opening you can fill."

Why has no one stopped me with my inappropriate pick up lines?!

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