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(Blossom, and Beautiful Creatures have been uploaded as well)

It all started. With you. In that skimpy white dress. Showing off your legs and how long they would go on for. And the white feather shawl wrapped from on elbow to the other.

His eyes kept to you as you sipped onto your drink. The bar that night was dull. Some stragglers came in. But there wasn't much.


He had to get your attention.

Standing from the table he was sitting at with his crew. He wandered up to you. But you didn't even give him a glance. Your eyes kept to your nails.

"Oo Bellamy I'd steer clear of (Y/N) she's got a powerful family on her side. You better go find someone else to screw around with. She's a fish you can't fry."

"Pft. I can take them. Doflamingo wouldn't let anything happen to me." He rumbled.

"As Doflamingo wouldn't let anything happen to her. After all she is his flesh and blood."

He furrowed. Doflamingo's daughter? He never spoke of having a kid before. Yet alone a fucking goddess sitting beside him. He could tell you were ignoring him. And probably should of listened the the bartenders advice. But.

He had to have you.

"Donquixote (Y/N) huh?" He purred.

"What about it?" You sighed still not giving him your attention, "You gonna try to fight me so my daddy can come running hm?"

"Oh no. I admire Doflamingo. I work under him. Well kinda." He beamed.

"Admiring my father for what? All he's done is turn this island on it's end."

"Well. I mean. He did a good job creating you."

You cracked a small smile glancing to him then back to your nails.

"And does Mr. Charmer have a name?" You asked.


Your eyes lit up as you turned to him.

"Your Bellamy??"

He nodded. Entranced by your beauty he cracked a cheshire cat grin. You stood taking his hands.

"Bellamy. My father is looking for you. You have to come with me right away."


You took his hand leading him out of the bar and up to the palace. Doflamingo perked up as you brought Bellamy to him. Who instantly bowed in his presence.

"I see you found Bellamy." He grunted.

"I told you." You hummed.

Stepping out of the room Bellamy's eyes kept to you as you winked to him. Shutting the doors behind you, Doflamingo slammed his hands on his desk. Bellamy snapped to him as Doflamingo snarled at him.

"Bellamy. I trust you with the life of my daughter. Your eyes are to be kept to her as you look to your crew. (Y/N) wishes to travel with you and your crew to get her fill of adventure. If you so lay a hand on her I will not hesitate to snap off your jaw. While I watch you dig your own grave with it. Do I make myself clear?!" Doflamingo hissed.

"O-Of course." Bellamy grinned sheepishly.

"Good. Your voyage starts tomorrow. My daughter will accompany you for three months before I come and get her."

"Of course sir. Anything you wish."
Doflamingo rumbled resting back in his chair.

"I knew I could always count on you Bellamy."

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