Watch and Learn

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A/N: I had so much fun writing this one. So. My wife made a part two of it, you can find her's RanaParra whenever she posts hers
(Zeff x Reader)

"Look who finally decided to rear her head here." He grunted.

"Who?" Sanji asked.

He turned to the preteen kid still too short to look out the kitchen window. Zeff furrowed.

"Ah. Uh. No one. Get back to work." He said.

Sanji pouted before going back and peeling the potatoes. While Zeff checked around before stepping out of the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway as you sat at a table of one. Looking out the window holding a glass of wine. He admired how time was well to you. You still looked as beautiful as when the two of you were pirates. Enemies back in the day. Until he disappeared along with his leg and gaining a son.

"Damn." He grunted.

You swirled your wine as he began to approach you. Before he stopped before your table and crossed his arms.

"Has time treated you well." He spoke.

You turned to him, "I'd say the same to you. But it would swell to that fat ego of yours."

"I see your charm hasn't changed." He grunted.

"It's good to see you too old friend."

You patted the spot before you, he hesitated before sitting down.

"So. Tell me. How does a pirate retire, cause he lost a leg?" You cocked a brow.

"It's. Not cause of the leg."


Your eyes glanced to a young boy poking his head out of the kitchen door. Along with a few other heads.

"Finally settling down huh?" You hummed, "Your son is poking his head out of the kitchen door."

Zeff snapped to the door as they scrambled inside of the kitchen. You giggled as he sighed turning back to you.

"I should go."

You reached out touching his hand, "I can wait."

He smirked before heading back into the kitchen. It filled your heart with warmth to see him again. After all these years. He's still the same, and still kicking.

You waited until the restaurant was vacant. Most of the cooks and servers in bed. While you sat at a small table by the window. The candle dimly lit sitting on your table. The same glass of wine was in your hand. With a little more wine. Until a new glass was placed into your hand. You turned to Zeff holding another red wine.

"You still have that old thing?" You cocked a brow.

"I locked it away in case I ever saw you again." He said.

He popped the cork and poured the glass. Then poured some for himself before seating before you. You both clinked glasses before taking a sip. He sighed.

"13 years is a good year for this wine."

You hummed, "13 years too long."

Zeff cupped your hand and kissed it softly, "Too long."

You smiled cupping his cheek and rubbed your thumb across.

"Even when I was your enemy you always treated me like I was special." You said.

"What can I say? I've always had the way to woo a ladies heart."

You cocked a brow with a small smirk, "Oh really? I remember it quite differently, the some alliance we had, with the endless lovemaking, hm?"

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