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(Shanks x Reader) (Someday by Michael Buble)

The sea was beautiful. You stood leaning over the railing, the wind blowing through your hair. The ship was taking you to a new island, it was beautiful, peaceful, and-

"Give it back you jerk!"

You pursed your lips slowly turning to Shanks and Buggy fighting. Shanks currently sat up on the railing of the sail of the ship. You crossed your arms leaning against the railing as your hair blew over your shoulder. It seemed you were the only mature one on this ship. Well, besides Rayleigh. But his hands were full with Roger, while you watched the two children. By children, I mean Shanks and Buggy.

Shanks stuck his tongue out to Buggy holding the bottle of Sake proudly up into the air.

"You want it? Come and get it!" Shanks called.

You glanced around noticing a rope and grabbed it. Tugging harshly making sure it would hold. You jumped up on the railing and swung yourself over to them. Grabbing the bottle and landing on the netting leading to the crows nest. Shanks and Buggy stared up at you like you were some goddess or whatever. You uncorked the bottle with your teeth before spitting it at Shanks.

"Hey! You better share that!" Shanks said.

"You stole it from me you jerk!" Buggy hissed.

You rolled your eyes taking a swig of the drink before looking at the bottle. Then tossed it down having Buggy catch it without spilling it.

"You grabbed a terrible bottle." You said.

"You have no taste in alcohol, how would you know?" Shanks asked.

You shrugged, "Got me there, but. Still."

Shanks and Buggy turned to the bottle as they tried it. And you were right. But they guzzled it down like water anyway.

As night fell you all sat on the deck looking up at the stars. You hugged your knees sitting between the two resting your head on your knee's.

"You know you guys can, go inside." You said.

Buggy rested back on his hands looking to Shanks, "I happen to like star gazing. What are you doing out here red hair?"

Shanks turned to him, "Likely story, I figured you could use some company (Y/N)."

You giggled rolling your eyes, "Well if your going to stay then stop fighting. Or I'll give you two my very special knuckle sandwiches."

They chuckled, looking back to the stars.

"Let's make a pact." You said.

They turned to you, "Okay?"

"If we ever get separated, we will reunite at a major event." You smiled looking up at the stars.

"Alright then how about this too." Shanks added.

You turned to him cocking a brow.

"And whoever you see first. You have to marry." Shanks said.

"What if I'm already married?"

"Then we'll kill him." Buggy added.

You laughed, "Fine only if I'm single."

You held out your pinkie as they locked there's with your own.

This was days before Roger's execution. You stood on a building in the pouring rain. Tears dropped down as his blood dripped down onto the cobblestone of the town. You bit your lip crying softly, your cloak fluttered in the wind as it blew by. You noticed Shanks and Buggy down below.

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